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"Your shit a PVP by the way...I mean I think Y/U/N would know so.."

TW: Cursing, mentions of death

Tommy POV

'What the fuck'  I thought as I stared at her. We just met and she's insulting me. This woman has some audacity. "P-pardon??" I stuttered out. 'Fuck I didn't mean to stutter' I thought to myself. "I said that you're shit at PvP" Y/N repeated, sounding more sure the second time. 'So she did know who I was' I thought to myself. Realization slapped me in the face. "Wait, you're Y/U/N?" I asked.  "Yeah.. and your shit at PvP..I mean 23/19 I kicked your ass!" I glared at her, a mix of shock, confusion, and a bit of anger in my expression. "We just met in real life and you fuckin insult me?" I say practically speechless. Her expression shifts to one of concern. "Y-yeah.." she stutters out. I roll my eyes and turn back around in my seat, facing the bored and scrolling twitter until the lecture starts.


'I fucked up'  I said looking down at my phone in my lap. I opened my messages app and looked at the four conversations I had. My mom, my dad, and them.. I bit my lip to hold back tears. 'Not here..not now.' I felt my body start to shake. Being in a school and reliving memories with them, reliving memories with them it was all overwhelming. It usually isn't this bad. Maybe being so sleep deprived, having a terrible night, not eating in who knows how long and the embarrassment I'm feeling at the moment is affecting things.  

I felt a pair of eyes on me. 'Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry' if all I could think. I cared that someone was staring. I felt the tears fill my eyes. It was too late to see who it was. I jumped out my chair and ran out the room. I ran into the empty hall way. Everyone was in class already, either waiting for their teacher to arrive or listening to them drone on and on about varying topics.'Bathroom..they're private' I thought to myself as I blindly looked around for something that can point me towards my destination. I heard a pair of footsteps behind me. 'Ignore it..don't let anyone see you like this' I think to myself as I walk down the hall.

"Y/N!" I hear a familiar British accent call out to me. 'Tommy..why is he following me?' I think to myself, not bothering to turn around. "Can you wait a bloody minute!" He says. I stop not turning around. I feel the tears threaten to spill out. I couldn't get these memories out my mind. These awful, painful memories refused to go away. At the worst time for it of course.

 "Yeah?" I questioned, hating the way my voice cracked. "I didn't mean to make you upset I just-..yeah.. sorry" Tommy said, in a guilty and apologetic tone. 'He thinks it's his fault..he thinks he made me upset..' I rubbed wiped under my eyes to hide any evidence that I had been crying, no matter how much they threatened to spill out or how my throat was closing slowly. "It's ok. I just needed to use the bathroom." I stated bluntly as I turned to face him. 'My mom was an actress. Acting is in my blood. It's one of the things I do best.' "Oh. The way you ran out I thought something was wrong" he mumbled not making eye contact. "Nope! Everything is fine." I fake smiled towards him. That's how things are in this world. You fake it till you make it.

Time Skip: Lunch

I sat at a lunch table towards the back scrolling Tik Tok. My fyp was a mess of animals, memes, hair transformations, soap cutting, slime making, makeup and a plethora of other things. I was watching a video of a cute turtle when the table shook and I wasn't alone. I looked up from my phone to see Tommy sitting there with his lunch tray simply staring at me. "Take a picture it'll last longer" I say before looking back down at my phone. "Ha ha your so funny Y/N" he says sarcastically, rolling his eyes as he opens a can of coke. "What do you want" I say as I feel him staring at me again. "You're not gonna eat?" he asks. "No, I'm not hungry" I say simply.

 He hums in understanding. We sit in silence as I continue to scroll. I hear Tommy clear his throat. "You want attention or something?" I ask looking at him once again. "Well not attention but I sat here to keep you company cause you're new but if you want me to leave I can-" he rushes his words. "I don't mind either way" I say looking for a sign of him leaving. He showed none. I put down my phone and took out my air pod and sat staring at him in return.

 "What" he says confused. "I dunno you were staring at me so I'm staring at you now" I say blandly. "You wanna play Minecraft when you get home? Ya know so I can kick your arse in PvP..or maybe bedwars" he says smirking. I glared at him. "Are you forgetting who won this morning-" he cut me off before I could continue. "NONNONONONONONO-" He rushed out laughing. I couldn't help but laugh in return. 


We spoke throughout lunch, exchanging laughs and info about ourselves. When he wasn't being a bitchy dick he wasn't that bad. I still wouldn't call us friends. But once again we weren't enemies. I decided to ask him. "What are we?" I asked, realizing how it sounded after the words left my mouth. "Wait-" I panicked. He laughed as he began to talk "no, no I get you" he said continuing to laugh. "I mean your a huge bitch but not that bad of a bitch SOMETIMES" I emphasized the word sometimes. "I was thinking maybe something along the lines of frenemies?" I said hesitantly. He seemed to bounce this idea around in his head before responding. "Eh that works" he stated simply. "Alright then" I stuck out my hand "this is my formal introduction as your frenemy" I smiled. He shook my hand as he rolled his eyes. I don't know why I allowed myself to label myself as his frenemy, but I did. I had a feeling I wouldn't mind this.

A/N: You made it to the end of another chapter! This will be my last update for today, please don't expect triple updates regularly because you will be disappointed :') Make sure to take care of yourself, drink water, eat something, take meds, take a shower ya smellies and remember, you are important!!!!!!!!!

While I'm gone go check out these amazing stories:

Just a Friend To You by : brisherelol

Heartbreak Anniversary by: brisherelol

Cherry-cola by:Wilbursvlog

Survival by: bloodandpaint

Words: 1166

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