Chapter 1

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Gryphon Comics was packed fuller than Walmart on Black Friday.

I hovered by the front door wishing I could leave but knowing that wasn't going to happen any time soon. I'd lost sight of Miguel already. He was wearing a reasonably authentic Captain America suit, but that didn't exactly narrow it down. The room was filled to the brim with Captain Americas and Iron Mans. I could walk two feet without bumping into either. Some people were dressed like Thor, complete with bad wigs and awful English accents. Only a few brave souls dressed up as Hawkeye or the Hulk. More power to the guys who painted themselves green instead of wearing one of those costumes with fake muscles. And as for the ones dressed as Hawkeye... well, if I hadn't already been familiar with the Avengers I would have thought they'd gotten lost on their way to an archery tournament or something.

"Hey, we're going to go sit over there," My friend Kaya said, nudging me. She pointed toward an empty sitting area near the front window.

"I think I'm going to go find the snacks," I said.

"Bring me a cupcake if they have any," My other friend Ty said.

Kaya hadn't even tried to dress up for the occasion, choosing to wear her usual t-shirt and jeans. Ty had at least tried by wearing a Falcon t-shirt.

"I have two choices for Black Marvel heroes," He said. "And I'm not wearing a Warmachine shirt, okay?"

Like he could find one. Warmachine wasn't exactly winning any popularity contests.

I, on the other hand, was wearing an Iron Man sweater that was designed to look like the Iron Man suit, arc reactor and all. I didn't even like Iron Man that much, but Miguel had gotten it for me and it was the only Marvel themed piece of clothing I owned. Miguel was the Marvel fan. I was more of a casual fan. I watched the movies, I googled the things I didn't understand, and that was about as far as it went.

I watched as my friends settled into the sitting area while I went in search of snacks, but moving through the crowd was easier said than done. At one point I tripped over a Thor's hammer that was just sitting on the floor. I almost took out a Funko Pop display on my way down.

The Thor in question helped me back up and fixed the Funko Pops I'd accidentally messed up.

"Sorry about that, m'lady," He said in an awful, fake British accent.

"It's fine," I said before hurrying off. I thought I heard him call after me, but I didn't hang around to find out. I just wanted snacks.

By the time I got to the refreshments table, I was at my limit. There were people everywhere and it was so loud. Everything suddenly felt impossible and all I wanted to do was leave.

There were Captain America cupcakes and Iron Man cookies mixed in with green rice Krispie treats and licorice shaped to look like bows. I grabbed a plate and a couple of cupcakes and cookies, my stress and frustration increasing with every minute I stood next to the table. I kept getting in people's way my accident, or they kept getting in mine. Finally, I made it to the end of the table where the drinks were. The man serving drinks was the owner of Gryphon Comics, Carl.

He smiled when he saw me. "Mavis! How are you?" He asked.

"I'm fine," I said. "Can I have some punch."

"Of course," Carl said cheerfully. "Anything for my favorite customer's sister." He hand me my drink which was blue with some dry ice smoke lingering on the top.

"How are you liking my little shindig?" Carl asked.

"It's great," I lied.

"Take as many treats as you want," Carl said. "My wife made them herself. She's been baking all week."

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