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      "So what's up with Lilith and Elijah?" I asked Lonny who was admiring my Batman collection on the shelf. "Didn't you two break up?" Lonny shot at me.  "What? Who told you that?" I laughed awkwardly, feeling myself start to sweat.  "CC said Lilith told him after he caught her and Elijah sucking faces" Lonny turned to me, holding a porcelain Batman figurine in his hand. 

      "I can assure you-" I walked up to him, snatching the figurine from his hands.  "-Lilith and I are still very much together.  Don't you remember that CC likes to make shit up when he's drunk?" I reasoned, carefully putting the figurine back on the shelf.  "That's the thing, he wasn't super drunk yet when he spilled the beans" Lonny shook his head.  "Nonsense, you should leave now.  I have shit to do" I was ruder than I intended. 

      "Okay, I'll see you around..." Lonny put his head down sadly before he left the bat cave.  I sighed, running a hand through my hair before contacting Lilith.  She arrived in the corner of the room faster than the speed of light.  "Look me in the face and tell me you didn't tell CC that we broke up" I clenched my jaw, getting straight to the point.  She visibly tensed, looking anywhere but at me. 

      "Lilith" I spoke in a warning tone.  "Okay! I did" she looked down at her shoes in shame.  "Why would you do that? I thought we had an agreement?" I huffed exasperatedly.  "It kind of just came out! I was drunk" she looked like she was ready to burst into tears.  "You're drinking again?" My voice softened, filling with concern.  "It was just a night out" she dismissed.  Why do I even care? I'm with Mara now. 

      "So is it true?" I questioned vaguely.  "Is what true?" She looked deep into my eyes.  "That you were making out with Elijah" I rocked myself back and forth on my heels.  "Elijah and I are dating now" she wasted no time to fill me in.  "Oh really?" I felt a small pang in my heart.  "Yeah it was kind of a spur of the moment decision" she shrugged, eyeing me closely for a reaction I wouldn't dare give her. 

      "That's good to know because I've got someone special too.  We should fill the guys in later today and I'll bring her along" I suggested.  "That sounds good to me!" She smiled through clenched teeth.  "Perfect!" I grinned, ignoring the pain in my chest.  "If that's all you wanted to say, I have to go now," she said while pointing behind her to the door.  "One more thing darling" I added, letting the pet name slip again. 

      "What made you start up the pet names again?" She asked me curiously.  "I dunno, I just did" I shrugged, not having a concrete answer for her.  "Well, what did you want to tell me?" She questioned, reverting back to my last statement.  "Be careful with that Elijah fella.  I've been around him before and he's not that trustworthy.  Don't let him reel you into one of his messes" I warned. 

      "Elijah is sweet! Jealousy isn't a good look on you Biersack" she smirked.  "I'm serious! He's not who you think he is.  You barely even know the guy!" I defended, getting riled up.  "That's not true! We've been talking for some time now" she turned her face to the side, avoiding my gaze.  "Oh really? So you didn't get together as a split-second decision intoxicated?" I rasped, grabbing onto her chin so that she would look at me. 

      "Why do you always grab my chin!" She slapped my hand away, avoiding my earlier question.  "You didn't answer me darling" I tutted.  "Okay, you're right! Is that what you want to hear? Is your ego fed enough? Now if you'll excuse me" she pushed past me, slamming the door behind her.  Was I being too pushy? Maybe I shouldn't have pried so much into her private life. 

• • •

      My eyes landed on the drink in my hand that I was spinning repeatedly.  "So are you two going to clear the air orr..." CC spoke up.  The rest of the guys nodded simultaneously in agreement.  "We've been broken up for a while" Lilith began to say.  She rested her hand on the table and Elijah wasted no time, placing his hand on top of hers and entwining their fingers.  I felt anger bubble at the pit of my stomach, watching those two be affectionate. 

      We are toxic together! I don't understand why I'm suddenly feeling this way about Lilith.  Even if we get together, it wouldn't work out.  We already tried dating once before so why can't I let it go? "How did it happen?" Jake asked, toying with the zipper on his leather jacket.  "It was a mutual agreement" I lied through my teeth, immediately avoiding making eye contact with Lilith. 

      "Actually Andy-" Lilith started to speak but was cut off by Mara, my saving grace.  "Sorry I'm late, traffic is a bitch" Mara walked up to me and kissed my cheek before sitting down beside me.  Lilith bore holes into the side of my head when she saw Mara.  I could practically feel the rage emitting from her.  The entire group fell silent, staring at Mara and me in confusion. "What is she doing here?" CC was the first one to break the silence, showing his distaste for my girlfriend.

      "Guys, this is my girlfriend Mara but you already know who she is..." I introduced her, attempting to shake down my growing anxiety. "Why would you make this two-faced lying bitch your girlfriend?" CC sneered, giving Mara a death stare. "Look I know that things ended badly between us but that was a long time ago so can we please move on?" Mara sighed. "You two were together?" I asked surprised. How did I not know this?

      "Oh uh it was brief and meaningless" Mara assured, rubbing my arm in a soothing manner. She's lying, there's something she isn't telling me.  "Well alright honey" I kissed the side of her head, locking eyes with a furious-looking Lilith.  She leaned on Elijah as he wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders.  I felt my insides start to grow with a wave of searing hot anger. 

      "You know what?" I'm not gonna fucking stand for this! Mara is a monster and we all know it! So can we please stop pretending like this is normal and civil?" Lilith slammed her hands on the table as she stood up, startling the entire group.  "I'm with you, fuck you Mara" CC stood up, flipping Mara off.  "Yeah fuck this" Jake followed suit, helping Inna to stand as well.  "This doesn't feel right" Lonny mumbled, standing up and taking Rhita with him. 

      "You're going to fucking pay for whatever spell you have Andy in!" Lilith finally lost her shit, charging forward and grabbing the back of Mara's shirt.  The force made Mara fall out of her chair and onto the cold hard floor.  I only watched Lilith pummel Mara over and over, making no move to help my so-called girlfriend.  My first instinct should be to protect Mara but my body isn't complying. 

      "Okay that's enough, we don't want to get kicked out now do we?" Jake gripped Lilith's right arm as CC helped with her left, standing her up and dragging her away from my hurt girlfriend.  I looked down at Mara as the group left, Lilith screaming profanities at Mara until she was out the door.  Mara is bundled in the fetal position, crying uncontrollably with scratches and bruises lining her face.  "It's okay, she's gone" I bent down, scooping her into my arms and sitting her down on a chair. 

      "Why did you let her do that?" She hiccuped.  "I don't know, I spaced out" I came up with a bullshit lie.  Truth is, I didn't feel like helping her.  Something inside me told me that Mara deserved it.  I'm changing and I'm not sure if it's for the better.  "But I'm your girlfriend" she wiped her nose with the back of her hand.  "I'm sorry," I said insincerely.  "Get out of my face" she pushed me away and I shrugged, standing up and leaving the club. 

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