Broken Heart

36 5 2

One Of My First Works So Don't Judge


Most people don't care

They just stare 

But once you realize the looks on their face is of pure disgust 

Running away is a must

Listening to the things they see

And seeing the things they do when you walk by 

The only thing you can do is sigh

Hearing the things said behind your back must've not been true

There were only a few who knew

A guy, a friend, and you

Giving in to the things said and did you let them win,

When you ran and hid

You who know better than to believe the lie 

Still goes to bed at night and cry


Scared of what they'd think your best friend left you let you sink

Sink deeper into a depression of worrying about what someone else would think.

Stressing, depressing of a stolen innocence that started it all

And the lies they told that forced the fall.

B.roken H.eart, S.tolen T.rustWhere stories live. Discover now