Chapter 13: A Nightmare

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St. Benjamin didn't move for hours. He had never held a sleeping female before, and he was fairly sure he would never have this chance again. The encounter he was having with Samantha was nothing at all like he had anticipated, and it was almost certainly too good to be true. She hadn't screamed once, not even when he had turned into a scorpion. Their race was easily the most feared of all beastmen, but she seemed completely oblivious to this fact. Where in the world had she come from? She seemed like an anomaly in every way, and St. Benjamin was still unwilling to let his guard down. He reminded himself that he could still kill her and eat her at any time, even if the way she was lying in his arms sent his mind and his body nearly out of his control.

Hoping that he wouldn't wake her, St. Benjamin moved his free arm so that his hand could stroke Samantha's hair. It had seemed so soft and fluffy, but he hadn't gotten to touch it yet. He threaded his hands through her hair to her scalp, and used his fingers to feel the strands of her hair as he lightly combed through it. Each strand was smooth and light and silky, and St. Benjamin wanted to bury his face in the soft cloud surrounding his female's head. No, not his female. The female. Samantha. He had no need nor desire for a female, and she would only be his when he consumed her delicious and aromatic body. No longer wishing to think of possession, St. Benjamin returned his focus to other areas of Samantha's body. He wanted to enjoy her unconscious, living form while he still could.

He unwound his hand from her hair and caressed her soft, familiar face before trailing his fingers down to her neck. The skin there was just as smooth and soft as the skin on her face; she even had an adorable little cushion below her chin that he hadn't noticed before. When he touched certain parts of her neck, he could feel her blood flowing inside her and her breath flowing through her. It was beautiful. She was beautiful. He lowered his face to her neck to see what he could hear as well as feel, and to immerse himself in her tantalizing scent once more. Her body was musical, magical; nobody had ever told him about these parts of a female. He only knew that if he didn't want a female to hurt him, he had to hurt her first. But Samantha was still asleep, and powerless to do anything to him at all, so he continued his exploration of her body.

Her torso was covered by strange clothing that was made from no animal he had ever come across. It was hard for him to tell what she looked like underneath it, but it seemed much more fragile than the animal skin clothing that he was used to, so he grazed his fingers lightly over the top of it. Sliding his hand down from her neck, he soon felt the swell of her large breasts. Judging by their size, she must belong to a race of mammals. They were the only ones whose chests grew to such a size, although even then, it was usually because they were pregnant. Samantha had said nothing about being pregnant, and if she were dying, this was something she almost certainly would have mentioned if she wanted to save the children growing inside her. The thought of a pregnant Samantha overtook St. Benjamin, and he felt that he would go insane with lust if he dwelled on that topic for another second, so he pushed it from his mind as well.

His hand, however, was still cupping her breast, and its weight felt incredible in the part of his hand that could hold it. It was easily the softest part of any creature he had touched in his life, and he marveled that something with such weight could curve itself into all the shapes that his fingers suggested to it. This part of her body seemed to be begging him not to leave it, to suggest that there were so many more things they could do to interact together. St. Benjamin had completely lost track of the time he had spent fondling her here, but he was still entirely captivated by it. He promised himself that if he ever had another opportunity, he would explore its possibilities even further. This was one of the female parts he had been informed about, but it still exceeded every expectation he had had for it. It was no wonder that most other beastmen went crazy over breasts.

It took a great amount of willpower to convince his lingering hand to move onward and down Samantha's torso even further. The curve of her breast turned into the hills covering her ribs, waist, and hips, and St. Benjamin moved his hand up and down these hills as he continued to wonder about Samantha's origins. The skin covering this part of her body was still smooth, he found as he accidentally brushed her top upward. It was much thicker than the skin on her face and neck, though he didn't dare to compare it to her bare breast for fear that he would never be able to stop if he gave it even the briefest of touches. Although Samantha had collapsed onto him from starvation, he felt almost certain that someone must have fed her well at some point in her life. Females with this amount of body fat were usually extremely spoiled and well-cared-for, never wanting for anything in life. They usually had more males than they could even attend to and were waited on hand and foot.

How had this female been left alone in this hole by that fox beastman? Foxes didn't usually have to abduct their females like scorpions did. There was almost certainly a large tribe out there looking for her, though Samantha had denied this firmly. St. Benjamin had not felt any beast marks on her in his explorations so far, nor had Samantha mentioned anything about her mates, but a female like this didn't just appear in a cave. Samantha, as if she could tell that he was thinking about her so intensely, nuzzled her face into his arm and mumbled something. He was so lost in a blissful mixture of thought and sensation that he failed to understand any of what she had said.

"What did you say, Samantha?" he asked her quietly, unsure if she had awoken. "You should eat some cereal before we go to the park," she replied, her voice slow and bubbly like she was singing him a happy song. St. Benjamin had never heard of "cereal" or "park", but he was pretty sure Samantha was still asleep, and he laid her back into her bed before she could catch him touching her and get angry with him. Females, he had been told, only liked to be touched by their mates or by males they wanted to mate with, and St. Benjamin could never belong in either category. While she slept, he sat by her bed and continued to think, his mind going back to the darker places that he was more familiar with, where he felt that he came from and where he belonged.

Some time later, Samantha stirred, and St. Benjamin's attention was once again on Samantha alone. She seemed to be trying to say something, but her jaw was clenched shut and only moans could escape it. Her head moved from side to side, and her breathing had increased sharply in speed and volume. St. Benjamin reached out to touch her, and his fingers were quickly covered in sweat from Samantha's head and neck. She moaned loudly as he touched her, and the word she seemed to be struggling so hard to get out finally escaped. "NO," she said, sounding as if she was forcing the word out from deep in her chest. "Help," quickly followed, and St. Benjamin did his best to wake her. He shook her arm, moved her head, and called her name, but none of this roused her. In a last desperate attempt, he positioned his empty stinger on the other side of her body and jabbed her with it.

At last, Samantha inhaled deeply and loudly, shouting, "You can't do that! I won't let you hurt me anymore! Get away from me before I take that bottle and hit you with it!" Her eyes opened wide and she gasped as if she had just escaped from some great danger, and she called for help again. "Is anyone there?" she called, her voice thick with emotion and tears, "Please, Ao-ao, St. Benjamin, somebody, help me!" St. Benjamin was suddenly moved with sympathy, realizing that Samantha had had a nightmare that was not unlike the ones he regularly dealt with himself. "I'm here, Samantha," he called to her, trying to sound reassuring, "I'm here, you're not alone." The next thing he knew, she had flung herself into his arms, sobbing violently and clutching him with all her might. "Thank you," she whispered, sniffling, "thank you so much."

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