Chapter 37: Mating

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Author's Note: This chapter contains mature, extremely explicit scenes and is not suitable for underage readers. These scenes begin midway through the chapter, so please consider the chapter over once you reach the row of asterisks (***) unless you are legally allowed to read the sexual scenes that follow. Thanks very much!

Predictably, Samantha decided that this house was the one she wanted to live in without looking at or touring any other vacant buildings. She didn't even leave the house once she and Jewel entered it. Granted, it did have all the accommodations Samantha had listed earlier and then some, but it was overgrown with plants and everything was filthy. There was no way to clean it quickly with just the three of them, and it had grown so late by the time Samantha bid adieu to Jewel and her family that the markets were surely closed. There wasn't much time to do anything to the house, either; unpacking in a dirty home was inadvisable, and even if they unpacked their belongings, there was nothing to put them on or in. Samantha felt like a miniature person as she walked through the halls of their new home while Benjamin ran back to Wolf Castle with their payment to King Scott. Spencer had morphed into his beast form and was using his tail to clean the cobwebs out of the corners of the rooms, but he definitely looked cutest when he laid on his back and wriggled around. Samantha guessed that he was trying to distribute his scent throughout the house to ward off other males and let the neighbors know their home was now occupied. Benji would probably do the same when he returned, hopefully under the cover of night and when the rest of their neighborhood was sleeping.

Having altered the various rooms of their house to his satisfaction, Spencer went out the back door to the backyard, where they had access to a small stream that was one of many that ran through the city. Still in the shape of a fox, he dove into the water to clean off his precious tail; he would never have used it for something so lowly as cleaning, but doing so for Samantha's sake was another issue entirely. He wanted her to spend the first night in their new home in as much comfort as he could give her under these circumstances, and he knew she wasn't fond of spiders in particular. Once he was clean, he turned back into a beastman and surfaced for air. He knew Samantha was watching him under the moonlight before he even opened his eyes; her vanilla scent smelled especially creamy tonight. He took another deep breath full of it before opening his eyes, water dripping down his hair and face and onto his bare chest. He could hear her shallow breathing even though he was still in the water. Her voice was deeper and more melodious than usual as she explained, "I brought you a clean animal skin to dry off with." Usually, he would have left the water and dried off in typical fox fashion after shifting back, but to satisfy his female, he slowly emerged from the water and took the hide from her hand. "Thank you," he replied, not breaking eye contact as he gripped the hide with both hands, using his fingertips to force it through the dripping strands of his chin-length hair. He heard Samantha swallow whatever words she was about to say next; her pupils dilated significantly as he used the hide to continue drying off, rubbing it slowly over his naked body as his hands moved lower, drawing her attention to the areas he focused more attentively on drying.

"I'm back!" St. Benjamin yelled from inside the house. The spell he had cast over Samantha, though not a real spell, had been broken nonetheless. "We're out here," his female yelled in response, and turned to go back inside after giving him one last innocently longing look. As she reentered the house, Spencer thought to himself that there was no way the scorpion hadn't sabotaged his efforts on purpose, even if the chances were honestly pretty slim. He rolled his eyes with a sigh and followed his female back inside, tying the animal skin around his waist as he walked. "It reeks in here," Benjamin said to him by way of greeting. "I just bathed," Spencer replied as he walked past the other male, shaking his light brown tresses by way of proof, and perhaps to splash a little water onto the sassing scorpion. "That's enough from both of you," Samantha interjected sternly. "Spencer, if you'd like to be helpful, you can go unpack some necessities in the main bedroom. Benjamin, you're welcome to add your scent to Spencer's since you are as much a part of this family as he is. If you need to do it in your beast form, please be as subtle as you can. I don't want you to be in any danger," she finished, putting her hand on the caramel-colored shoulder of the scorpion in order to keep his attention. "And thank you for taking our family's payment to King Scott. Was it enough?" she asked, her voice tinged with anxiety. "Samantha, it was more than enough. He sent me back with plenty of change," St. Benjamin's deep, soothing voice responded, the scorpion taking one of her small hands in his own, placing a small pile of crystal spars on top of it. "Thank goodness," she breathed, obviously relieved.

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