I've made up my mind.

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I woke up the next morning, after having hardly any sleep. I fell asleep as soon as Ronnie came in but kept waking up during the night and falling back asleep. I was glad Sam didn't get up early since she would be fighting me for her space on the settee. I took my top off and put the clothes I had picked out for College on. Someone was walking around upstairs and I knew it would be Ronnie. I opened the living room door and collected my dirty washing from yesterday and last night and walked up the stairs. As soon as I got in the middle of the stairs Ronnie began walking down the stairs. I looked up and she looked me straight in the eye, it was awkward and she scowled at me. I pushed past her in revenge and put my dirty clothes in the washing basket in the bathroom and began brushing my teeth, washing my face and began using the deorderant which was in the bathroom draw. My College bag was in the bottom of the wardrobe in the bedroom and I walked in. Ronnie had made the bed differently than usual and some of my things were folded up ontop of the draws. I only picked my bag up and walked straight back out of the bedroom, leaving the door open to get on Ronnie's nerves on puropse. I walked down the stairs and straight out the front door. I walked across the square and passted Athur's bench and past Lucy's house and the Queen Vic, the Cafe was behind Lucy's house and her Dad, Ian, run it. I walked in and Jane was behind the counter.

"Just a cup of tea please Jane," I asked.

"Certainly, I'll bring it over if you take a seat," She smiled, pointing to the free table which was hidden at the back.

"Thank you," I smiled, walking over to the table and taking a seat. I placed my bag beside me and looked at my phone, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone who was in the Queen Vic last night. Jane walked over a few minuets later and placed the tea in front of me. 

"Are you okay?" She asked, "Lucy told me what happened last night," 

"I'm fine, but I swear I wasn't seeing things," I muttered and she put her hand on mine.

"Don't worry about it, nobody cares," She laughed, getting up and going back behind the till. I held onto my tea and it warmed my hands through. I quickly drank my whole tea in a few mouth fills and got up to leave, I was still really early for the bus. I crossed the road over to the Queen Vic and knocked on the door. It took a while for anyone to answer because they had to come from all the way up the stairs, but when someone answered it was Linda. 

"Jenna," She smiled, opening the door to let me in. I hesitated before walking in behind her.

"I wanted to appologise, for yesterday. I don't know what got into me," I smirked. 

"Don't worry about it, I know it must be hard for you," Linda smiled, reaching her arms out and walking towards me. I hugged her and tried not to cry, I just needed to break down with someone but I felt like I had nobody.

"I'll go and get Lee for you," She offered and I nodded, taking a seat beside the door. Linda walked into the corridor and up the stairs.

"Nobody believes you, do they?" Roxy asked me, she was sitting beside me.

"I'm not lying," I replied.

"You know, if you really wished hard enough maybe I'll be able to get out of this pub. It's driving me crazy, the same four walls constantly surrounding me," Roxy told me. 

"I've tried but nothing works," I pleaded.

"Try harder, I'll meet you at the bench tonight?" She offered then walked away as Lee came running down the stairs. 

"Hey, are you alright to be in here?" He asked, wearing his bag and he opened the front door and showed me out.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me," I laughed and we walked to the bus stop.

"Did you make up with your sister?" He asked.

"No I did not, slept on the settee and bumped into her on the stairs this morning and that's all," I sighed. 

"I thought you were going to try?" He smirked.

"I chickened out, she doesn't seem that bothered though," I said, putting my hand out for the bus and it stopped in front of me. 

"I'm sure she just doesn't want to back down, just be the bigger person," Lee encouradged but I didn't want to back down.

"Just drop it," I laughed, sitting down beside him on the bus.

"I hate college so much," Lee said.

"Who doesn't?" I smirked, getting my phone out of my bag and checking for any texts from Ronnie. I had no messages, missed calls or anything from her. I slammed my phone down into my bag.

"We're nearly there, where you going before the bell?" Lee asked, after a few mineuts of silence. 

"Head of year's office, you?" I replied.

"Why?" He wondered.

"He wanted to see me," I lied.

"Fair enough," Lee laughed, pressing the bell on the bus and I stood up and walked down to the front. 

Once we were inside the gates, Lee walked straight along the road where as I walked into the building in front. I knocked on the office door and waited for a few minuets until Mr Phillipson answered. 

"Jenna, how can I help?" He smiled, opening the door and letting me come in.

"I'm 18 now," I began. "I can chose whether I want to be here or not, and I don't," I said.

"Why not? Where will you go? Another college or work or?" He asked.

"Work, I've got a part time job and I want to take it on full time," I told him.

"Well, if you really feel that way you're free to go. You can just walk out and walk back in if you want to, there's always a place for you here," He smiled, opening the door.

"Thanks Sir, but I've made up my mind," I smiled back and walked back out the front gates of the college. 

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