Nobody believes me

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Nobody believed me, not Mum, not Ronnie, not Auntie Peggy and not Lee. 

I woke up, the next morning. Ronnie was still sleeping beside me and I gentally moved out of the bed so she didn't wake up. I heard Sam snoring in her bedroom and I assumed Auntie Peggy would either be on the settee in the living room or in Amy's bed in the next bedroom. I walked into the bathroom, locked the door behind me and washed my face quickly with all the cold water, since it was too early and the hot water hadn't been turned on yet. I brushed my teeth aswell, so I looked at least half decent when I was going into the square. Downstairs, on the kitchen chair was some of my clothes, I just picked up a simple black pair of leggings and a jumper. Nobody had relised I was awake yet, so I grabbed the keys from the jar in the kitchen and unlocked the door, for some reason at night eventhough the doors were locked Ronnie insisted on putting the chain across the door. Once I was outside I locked the house again but shoved the keys through the letter box. That was quite loud and I think it woke most people up when they fell to the ground. I left the garden gate open, since it was quite early not very many people were around. Only the stall owners like Pam, Kat, Aleks, Tamwar and Donna. I walked across the street and a few people looked at me then turned away. Kat walked up to me, she was setting up her clothing stall just in front from where I was walking. 

"Jenna, are you alright?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine thanks," I replied.

"You've got no shoes on," She told me.

"I need to be somewhere," I said, she grabbed my arm and I turned around.

"Where?" Kat asked.

"The police station, the hospital. I don't know, anywhere," I muttered.

"Why, what's happened? Is Ronnie okay?" Kat gasped.

"She's fine, it's me," I replied.

"Why? What've you done?" She asked.

"I need someone to help me, because Mum and Auntie Peggy and Ronnie aren't," I whispered, I tried to carry on walking but she kept pulling me back.

"Do you want me to come with you?" She smiled.

"It's okay, you've got the stall to set up and can you just tell Ronnie that I've gone out," I replied, smiling at her before I carried on walking down the street. The hospital was nearer than the police station and I figured to get noticed in the first place I would need to go to the hospital.

I walked into the accient and emergancy center, just beside the hospital. I was lucky hardly nobody was there because there's times when you would be sat waiting for nearly 3 hours before being seen. I had my mobile phone in my back pocket, it was vibrating but I didn't want to answer. I silenced it a few times, but Ronnie kept ringing back and ringing back seconds after I hung up. I turned it off and placed it on the seat beside me, that way even if she did ring me back my phone would be off so I wouldn't get it.

"Jennifer Mitchell?" A male nurse called and I stood up and followed him around the corner. "Are you here alone?" He asked.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Usually when people come through to A&E, they bring a friend or family member," He told me, closing the room door behind us.

"I don't even know if I should be here or not, I need help and nobody will listen to me," I explained to the nurse, who was male. I'd never saw a male nurse before because usually the females were nurses and the males were doctors, but I guess that's just being stereotypical. 

"Don't worry, I'm going to listen and then give you the help you need, alright?" He smiled, I felt safe in the room with him and for that reason I just blurted everything out. 

"My sister died in April last year, and recently I've been seeing her out and in the streets and she's been talking to me, trying to get me to say things to people and get things for her. She's dead and she still talks to me, and I hear voices in my head and then Roxy died when she was dead and she hasn't been back since, but I still hear voices and I don't know who they are," I quickly said, the nurse looked at me like I had taken something and gone litterally insane.

"I'm glad you're here, if this is certainly how it is then you need mental health tests. You can't be getting better by being in the house you need to be in hospital or at a rehab center," The nurse informed me, "If you're free now, we can book you in for a test, just to be sure what you're saying is actually happening, then we'll see what happens after that?" He asked.

"Yeah, we'll do it now," I nervously whispered, after having a few seconds to think about it. 

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