Just pretend and smile...

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Emma's POV

"Conny?" I call out.

I then see a table with drinks and food on it. I walk towards it while holding little bunny in my arms.

"Oh?" I let out as I look more closely at the table.

It was Conny on a silver plater.

A mouth with super sharp teeth was then behind me.

And then all of a sudden, I wake up. I started panting for air. I hear snoring around me and a ticking clock.

'It was just a nightmare. It was just a nightmare. It was just a nightmare. It was just a nightmare. It was just a nightmare. It was just...a nightmare...' I say as I try to go back to sleep.

Morning, in the kitchen

"Come on, wait for me!" A kid says.

"Good morning!" Another kid says.

"Good morning!!!" Phil says running in the kitchen.

"Hey, Phil! No running!" Gilda says.

"Does this go there?" A kid asks.

"Yes, please." Mama says.

Just when I heard her voice, it made me flinch and turn around with my eyes wide.

'How can she talk so normally after what we just saw last night!?' I say as Mama looked just as happy as ever.

"Mark, can you set the table?" Mama asks.

"Sure thing, Mama." Marks says happily and Mama gives him a closed eye smile with a small giggle.

"Huh..?" I say shocked and surprised.

'Isn't she sad at all!?' I ask myself.

I gulped and then hear some new footsteps, so I turn around and see Norman with 2 of my little siblings hand in hand.

"Hi Emma, morning." Norman greets to me.

I start panicking about all that was going on and Norman goes right next to my ear.

"Come on smile, Emma." Norman whispers to me.

I wanted to cry so bad but I knew I had to hold my tears back in.

'Come on Emma no tears right now, you have to act happy!' I remind myself.

Later when me and Norman were alone

"Listen, Emma. We have to behave like we normally do. Yesterday, we broke the rules and went to the gate. But that doesn't mean we didn't see anything that happened." Norman says to me.

"But we left little bunny..." I say.

"Yeah, Mama probably found it. But she doesn't know who left it there." He explains.

"But Mama was smiling during breakfast. She doesn't show it on her face at all." I continued with sadness in my tone.

"And that's what we have to do, too. If our faces show it, Mama will notice." Norman says but then smiles.

"We can't lose. So let's smile." He says.

I then gathered all my strength in me to smile. To which I was able to manage to do.

"The delicious food, the white clothes where dirt can easily stand out, the well-regulated life..." I say as I touch my clothing.

"This is all to maintain our quality as merchandise. The only thing we can do is wait as we are shipped out indiscriminately." I added.

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