Norman and Y/n's departure..?

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"It was a Cliff." I say.

"What? Seriously, a Cliff?" Emma asks.

"And it wasn't a height that we could jump from. Sister wasn't lying, and the demons didn't underestimate us. With that Cliff, there's no need for security." I say and Ray grits his teeth.

"So that means we can't escape from the wall?" Emma asks.

"Well..." Norman says, catching them off guard.

"There is a way." I say as I walk over to a drawer and get a sketchbook out.

"So I went to the edge of the wall. It split into 2 more walls. 1 side continued along the cliff. The other wall was the side of our House. The angles were about 60 degrees each. The inside of the 2 walls, where they split, were nearly symmetrical. I saw the same scenery in front of me." I say, drawing the landscape.

"It means this Grace Field House is on a hexagonal property surrounded by a cliff." Norman explains and Emma gasps, now catching on.

"And the lot west of our Plant 3 is probably the headquarters. That lot was the only 1 with a bridge. If we're surrounded by Cliffs, then crossing the bridge will be the only way to escape." I say and knocking was then heard.

We all then quickly turned around and the door opened to reveal Phil.

"Y/n! Norman! Mama is calling for you guys!" Phil says.

"Tell her that we'll be right there." Norman says, with a smile and I nod.

"Okay!" Phil says and closes the door. Ray and Emma sigh in relief.

"We'll, we should get going." I say and start walking towards the door, Norman following me.

"W-Wait a minute!" Ray calls out.

The two call out and I stopped in my tracks.

"Here. I'll give this back. I didn't use it." I say, holding out the breaking tracker device to Ray and he gasped with widen eyes.

"You..." Ray says and then grabs me by my shoulders.

"So you were planning to return from the start, huh!? You said that we'd stay alive together! But you were already planning to-" Ray says but I cut him off.

"Yeah. Sorry, I lied." I say, with a small smile. While they had a look of horror on their faces.

"I can't afford to make a mistake. Because I can't let anyone die. If I run away, the plan will be ruined. Even if it's by a little bit, it'll be problematic for me. I don't even want a chance of losing." I say and Ray tries to say something but I cut him off.

"There's no point in arguing. I won't change my mind. Nor will my brother." I say and Ray steps back and sits on the bed.

He put his hand over his eye, so then that we couldn't see his face, but I could tell that he wasn't okay with our decision since his breathing was a bit shaky and audible.

"We did all that I could today. We're leaving the rest to you." Norman says as I place the device down and I turn towards them.

"Make sure the escape succe-" I say but get cut off by Emma.

"Wait, Y/n-" She says but i engulf the 2 of them into a hug, Norman too then decided to do the same.

"So warm...Thank you for everything. Because of you 2, I had a good life. I had fun. I was happy. I was fortunate." Norman says.

"Thank you both for all that you've done for me. I'm glad I was able to spend my life with you guys. I couldn't ask for anyone better to spend it with." I say and Ray started crying.

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