A new enemy, a new sibling, 2 new sources.

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Y/n's POV

"Please use this room." Mama says.

"Thank you it's perfect." Sister Krone says.

"That's gonna be super inconvenient." I say with my arms crossed.

"She's between the 3 children's rooms." Emma says.

"To make it easier for her to watch us..." Norman says.

Mama and Sister Krone turn around and see us 4.

Norman and Emma smile while giggling, while Ray just stayed as Emo as ever and I had a simple smile on my face.

Later in the library

"I was so focused on the tracking devices that getting another adult didn't cross my mind." Norman says.

"We should be happy about this." Ray says.

Norman turns around and looks at Ray leaning on the library bookshelves.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Emma asks.

"With Carol and Sister Krone. We have 2 more sources of information." I say, catching on.

"Your right." Norman says now catching on as well.

"First, where did those 2 come from?" Ray asks.

"Carol is probably Conny's replacement. So they're replenishing the merchandise." Norman says.

"Yeah, if this place is a farm, they must have a site where they prepare 1 year olds for replenishment." Ray says.

"So did all of us come from there originally?" Emma asks.

"Probably. And also Sister Krone as well." I say.

"It's significant that there are other adults besides Mama. There might be other farms just like this one, so are the adults who obey the demons are under their control from birth, or after they're captured?" Norman says.

"The world that we prepare to escape to, changes depending on that." Norman continues.

"But first, we need to figure out how to escape with everyone." Ray says.

"And the location of the tracking devices." I say.

'It's actually on our ear, though imma let them figure that out.' I say.

"I searched all over my body, but I didn't find any traces of something implanted." Emma says as she spins around while inspecting her body.

"And nothing in our clothes or shoes either." Norman added.

"Based on humankind's existing technology, it probably uses radio waves. But that requires batteries." Ray says.

"Batteries that last over 10 years. Something really small that wouldn't leave a scar. That kind of product wouldn't have existed in 2015." Ray adds.

"Meaning?" Emma says confused about Ray's little confirmation.

"Predicting its mechanism, like finding where it's been placed and how to break it, will be difficult." I explain a bit more clearly.

"And we might as well give up if it's technology created by the demons." Ray says.

"True." Norman says.

"What? So, checkmate?" Emma asks looking at me and Ray.

"Pretty much." Ray says.

"No way!" Emma yells with her hands on her head.

"Well, even if we can't figure it out, we can guess." Norman suggests.

"Yeah. We have to think from the enemy's point of view." Ray says while turning his head towards Emma.

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