This idea was also given by ghost👻👻👻👻🤚🤚🤚🤚🤚🤚🤚🤚😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪👍👍👍👍👍👍

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EOS: Eldest/Oldest Son

So mc got sick and tired of her step husband. But she needed a new love interest so while she was thinking she bumped into to her oldest son. 'Wow' she thought 'I created a hottie' 'he defo has my genes'. All those thoughts came clashing then she said it "yo eldest son wanna hook up?". EOS was shocked and said "no mama ur a weirdo hooking up with everyone then murdering them and I'm still trying to get over the fact that my dad is ur step uncle" but mc knew the real reason EOS didn't want to hook up is because mc's a hottie and he was insecure. "Sweet heart Ik ur insecure but trust me ur very attractive and I wanna f*** u real bad" mc said. EOS then said "mum ur really creeping me out rn imma go call the police". Mc knew he was still just insecure and scared "Cmne hun ill go easy on u" mc said in an ever so caring way. "Mum I'm 15 plz stop" he said in a disgusted way.  Mc walked closer  so that eos was pinned against the wall. Then mc pushed his hair back and cupped he's face and gave him a god awful kiss. She looked at his now traumatised face and said "love has no age, age is just a number" then he looked into mcs gross looking eyes and said "and the police are just people, jail is just a place". Mc was proud of her sons amazing sense of humour and  made out with him for a good 20 mins were he was pushing mc like he was trying to get or smthng lol. Mc noticed he was tensed so she drugged him and did the nasty.

Don't be like mc and don't force s£x on anyone even if they're just "insecure" and don't drug any one plz it's not good for their health and u could/should end  up in jail if u do : )

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