Idk what to call this soooo 😈👿👹👺🤡💩👻💀☠️👽👾🤖🎃😺😸😹😻😼😽🙀😿😾

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So mc was chillin in her oldest sons room and got bored so she decided to kill him. So she got her good ol' knife and did the death. As she was turning around she saw one of the younger 23.4  well now 22.4 children petrisha looking very terrified so mc looked at her good ok' knife and killed her. So with only 21.4 children remaining she decided to spare the rest of them, for now at least, and went to the kitchen to return mcs good ol' knife. After returning the knife mc went to have a walk in the park. When mc was in the park she saw her sister and her brother making out. What a cute couple mc thought. So mc continued watching them. While mc was watching she started feeling an intense feeling mc has never felt before. It felt like mc wanted to rip out both of mcs siblings throats and mc didn't know y. Then came an old man and he said "hello mc" mc was shocked 😯😮  "u know me?" Mc asked curiously "ofc u killed tli every one knows and loves u mc" he replied confidently "well I'm not feeling very lovely" mc said sadly  "Y is that mc an mc like u should be feeling divine what's wrong?" The old man said in a very concerned tone "well old man so u see (Dhar Mann who 😂😂)  I was walking in the park and I saw my good siblings (don't u love sibling love I mean oop) and they were making out like the loving sibling they are, such a cute couple if I may add" the old man looked at mc in a sympathetic way, mc then continued "and then suddenly I had the urge to rip they're throats out and idk y" the old man looked at mc for a second then said "that sweetheart is the feeling of jealousy" he said, mc was oddly seduced by him calling her sweetheart, mc thought he was done but then he added "do u want to go making out with them" he asked, mc was surprised mc wanted to but she didn't know smne else knew, at this point mc was very turned on by his wisdom, "yes" mc said quick and proudly "but I'm too shy to ask them" mc said, wow mc is very quirky, the old man then said "what if I ask them if all four of us can have a foursome" 'wow what a kind old man' mc thought "YES! YES! YES! AND YES!" Mc screamed excitedly. MCs siblings were still making out by this point. Then it happened the old man asked mcs siblings if they can have a foursome. Mcs siblings were more then thrilled and they said yes, ofc. They all did the deed with each other. What a happy ending.

Dhar mann shouldn't steal this amazing idea just saying 🙄😒 unless he'll give me credit. Comment down bellow if u have any suggestions or recommendations or ideas, not that I'm not creative enough to come up with my own I mean look at this master piece I just like to get my fans involved yk, but anyways ya. Good bye, for now.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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