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"Breath, Addy, just breath. It's the last first day of school, and then we get the hell out of here."

I'll be reminding myself of that nice little fact every day for the next 180 days while I get through this hell we call high school. I mean seriously, does anyone actually like waking up early in the morning to sit in a classroom for eight hours? Surrounded by nothing but idiots who think their high school romances and friendships will last their entire lives?

I would hate to break it to them, but that's not how life works. It's not that fair.

"Oh Addy," A sing-songy voice snapped me out of my slight depression episode that was sure to send me into full breakdown mode if it hadn't been for the interruption. I closed my locker, painted a very worn down green that would give me a headache if I looked at it for too long.

"Cassidy!" I grinned, suffocating as my best friend pulled me into the tightest hug. She knows I'm slightly claustrophobic, but it's like her love language. I laughed into her blond, curly hair that I was always envious of. It had the most volume, unlike my extremely flat, bland brown hair. The only thing going for it, was the length as it was nearly down to my waist.

"Wait for me!"My other best friend frowned from behind Cassidy, also pulling me into a hug but not as tight. Emma was equally as pretty as Cassidy, also blond, but her hair was short and straight falling right before her shoulders. I'd been friends with them since eighth grade, and I've always been the less attractive friend. Everywhere we went, they always got the boys' attention and it didn't help that they were the most confident people ever. They were always able to just click no matter where we were, and it got quite annoying sometimes.

"Sooo how excited are you for this year?" Emma grinned, and we started walking down the hall during the last few minutes we had before class. It was very disappointing to see that we only had Econ during the fifth hour together, and the rest of our classes were scattered. Emma and Cass were more worried than I was, they couldn't survive without each other. Meanwhile, I would just stick to the back as per usual and mind my own business.

Cass grinned back, "I can't wait! Football games at the front of the bleachers, senior sunrise and sunset, senior prank, and finally graduation! It literally could not get better than this." I held myself back from rolling my eyes. That was one of the things I disagreed with them on. They both had this romanticized idea of high school that I just couldn't commit to. I suppose I was just excited to get away from this town that held too many bad memories for me. But I'll get into that later.

Emma lightly smacked her shoulder, "Don't jinx it! You know you're not supposed to proclaim something to be great before it actually is. Now that you send that, there's gonna be like a disease or something that takes it all away from us."

I blinked once, and Emma shrugged. "The ideas that come into your brain worry me sometimes, Em. I think it's gonna be fine, and Cass is right. It'll be fun."I smiled, trying to be as reassuring as I could. 

"Obviously I'm kidding, Addy. Don't take it so seriously," Emma frowned for a moment, before turning back to Cassidy, "Okay so, the senior kickoff party is this Friday at Louis Howard's house. I have the address, and my mom thinks I'm gonna be at your house, Cass."

Cassidy grinned back, "Sounds good, and I'll just tell my mom I'll be at your house Em. As per usual, we'll be crashing at your house, right Addy? You don't mind picking us up, do you?"

They both looked at me with hopefully looks on their faces. They were almost like puppies. Same low attention spans, same high hopes. Not as loyal though. I refrained from sighing, nodded, and almost covered my ears when they both literally squealed. 

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