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Chloe squealed- literally squealed- when I told her what had happened with Kyler at school earlier. What I didn't tell her was why I was so exhausted. She's aware of the fact that I have nightmares occasionally, but she doesn't know that they typically visit me every night. 

She was also thrilled about the fact that I was going to a party. She said it was good for my soul, and that she expected me to have at least one drink to try and ease some of the stress I carried with me at all times.

"My little sister has an admirer, this is so cute!" Her smile stretched from ear to ear, and I could feel the excitement radiating off of her.

"Chloe, you're being ridiculous. He was being polite. I would've done the same thing, I mean what are you supposed to do? Wake a person up right after they fall asleep?" I rolled my eyes, coming up with whatever excuse I could to convince her that Kyler is not into me at all. 

"Okay, Addison, you keep telling yourself whatever you need to. But deep down, you know that there's something there and that you understand that Kyler's into you at least a little bit," She shoved a fork full of pasta into her mouth. 

I had cooked for us tonight since she had to stay and work late at the school grading pre-tests. Not that it was a big deal, I liked to cook. I liked feeling in control of everything in the kitchen like it was one of my very few talents. 

"Do you know what you're wearing to this party tomorrow night?" She changed the topic, and I was extremely grateful for that.

"You are the second person to ask me that, but no. Cass said I could borrow something of her's."

Chloe's eyebrows furrowed and she shook her head no, clearly opposed to the idea of me wearing my friend's clothes. "You will not be wearing her clothes. I'm sorry, but those girls do not have fashion sense no matter what they believe. Plus, Bell girls have class which is not something they have. You can borrow something of mine."

I was much more comfortable with that concept. Chloe has impeccable fashion taste and can come up with a cute outfit with even the ugliest of pieces. I once recommended that she go on Project Runway, but she refused not wanting to deal with sewing machines. I couldn't blame her for that.

"Thanks, Chlo. I know it's probably not what you want to spend your time doing on a Friday night, so I really appreciate it. I'll make dinner Saturday and Sunday to make it up to you," I smiled but she waved it off. I knew that Chloe liked to help me as much as she could, considering she couldn't help when we were kids. But I didn't want her to feel like it was her responsibility anymore. I'm turning 18 in a few months, and then I'll be moving out and I need to learn how to do social stuff like this on my own.

"Addy, it's not a problem at all. You know I love sister time," Her smile reached her eyes and I knew she meant it. I loved sister time, too.

After dinner, she excused herself to grade more assignments, and I finished cleaning up the dishes. 

My mind was overloaded with questions, and I had no idea what this party would be like. As mentioned before, the last party I went to was my sophomore year of high school and even then I left early. I didn't know if it would be as crowded as other parties, and I definitely didn't know what people wear to them now. 

Back in early high school, my classmates would dress up like they're going out for a night on the town. I was always extremely underdressed since I didn't want to spend my extremely precious money on a dress I would wear like once. 

And it definitely didn't help that my mind was still on my interaction with Kyler, too. I didn't want to feel anything for him, but I also couldn't help the way my stomach flips whenever he talks to me. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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