// Part 16

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I turned on light mode for a second and it felt like my soul left my body. I do not recommend it.

Some people where getting confused on who was talking so here's a little guide:

Y/n = bold

Tommy = normal

Tubbo = underline

Side characters = italics

If there are two or more side characters then i'll put a mix of all of them and i can tell you which ones ahead of time :>


"So what did you do today?" Tommy asked

"Oh i had my first day at school. It was pretty boring not gonna lie. Except for- you know what I won't talk about that on stream."

"Wait, I thought you already went to school? Did you get expelled or something?" Tommy asked, holding back a laugh

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhh no, you'll know later"


"Did you know that tubbo goes to my new school? He's way cooler in person!"


"Yeah! And he helped me scare away a couple of creeps who were getting too close."

Tommy pov:

I don't know why, but hearing her talking about tubbo makes me.... Mad.

BNot mad, exactly, just-I don't know, I just wish that I went to her school instead of him.

Am I jealous? No, no, no, i'm not jealous... right?

Realizing that I'm still streaming, I get back to building.

"Oh no... do you wanna maybe talk after- I mean- i'm about to end stream-?"

Before she could answer, I heard the little beep indicating that someone joined the vc.

"Hello? Oh hi tubbo!"

"Hi Y/n! Hey Tommy! I'm streaming by the way."

"Hi tubzo..."

"Y/n! Are you feeling ok?"

"Yeah, I'm much better now! A little tired, but thanks for asking!"

"That's good. Do you guys wanna play fortnite!?!"

"Pff- ok, let's play Fortnite Tubbo."

Why does this make me so mad? I don't understand. Y/n didn't even answer my question. Maybe I should just leave them be. She probably likes him more than me. I mean, I'm loud, obnoxious and annoying. And tubbo's nice, funny, and quiet. I'm probably worthless in her eyes. I'm just ruining their fun.

Y/n pov:

"Tommy? Heh- do you wanna play fortnite with us?"

"No, it's fine."

"What do you mean-?"

"Just go play with tubbo."


"I was gonna end stream soon anyway."

He sounds... mad? Why would he be mad?

"Why don't you play one game with us?"

"No, I insist. You and tubbo should play."

Oh. Is he jealous? Before I can say anything, Tubbo asks,

"Tommy are you jealous or something?"


"Pff- sounds like you are."


"I'm not gonna steal Y/n from you, Tommy." Tubbo says, laughing.

"That- im not jealous."

I open up his stream and see that he's bright red. The chat is going crazy.


His mic was suddenly cut off as he was yelling at his chat.

Me and tubbo immediately burst out laughing.

* * *

"My original plan was to show up at your house and surprise you, then head over to Tommy's house and surprise him. So I guess we can just do the second part. How far away do you live?"

"Sounds like a good plan. I live 20 minutes away from the school. You?"

"I live like- about 10 minutes away, but I think it's in the opposite direction."

"Well then, you can pick me up and we can head over to Tommy's. He lives around three hours away so it's not that long, but it will still be a trip."

"Alright! When should we visit?"

"Ooo! I know! We should go today!"

"Wha- but I had a stream scheduled today..."

"All of us can be on tommys stream!"

"Alright- well, then I should get ready."

"Me too. Oh wait- here's my address"

Tubbo messages me his address as we say goodbye and I quickly go to the bathroom to take a shower.

Getting out i dry off and change into this:

I Brush my teeth and hair, then get out of the bathroom

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I Brush my teeth and hair, then get out of the bathroom.

Heading downstairs, I see my brother eating cereal, and my mom on her phone.

Mom = italics brother = underline

"Good morning Y/n!"

"Hi y/n"

"Morning! Can I go visit my friend who lives about 30 minutes away?" I ask, grabbing an apple from the counter.

"If you take your car then you can. Make sure to be back by 8:00 pm or we're gonna have problems. Call me if you need to stay any longer."

"Thank you!"

"She's probably gonna visit that boy that she's always talking to."



chez-its ;)

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