// Part 22

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TW: small amount of abuse, gaslighting


"Y/n honey wake up we have company over! make sure to wear something nice."

What? wasn't she mad at me me before? what's with the mood change all the sudden?

"what company?!" i yell over the loud sound of the dishwasher presumably washing her clothes.

"don't back talk just get ready!" she yelled back at me walking down the stairs to talk to our "company".

I reluctantly get out of bed and get dressed, wearing the only things i had clean which consisted of an over-sized olive green hoodie and a black skirt.

* * *


"Oh y/n! your finally done, took you so long."

I looked over to the living room to see Tommy and Tubbo in the doorway chatting with my mother.

"Tubbo- Tommy- what are they doing here?" i looked over to my mom is confusion.

"They said they came to pick you up. obviously i said you were busy but they didn't believe me."

"What- i'm not busy what do you-"

"Yes you are." my mom said passive aggressively while eyeing me.

"y/n, were here to pick you up so we can go to will's and meet with everyone else."

"wait what?" i looked at them both in confusion. No one said anything about meeting up.

"i texted you last night remember?" oh shit.

"dream also mentioned it in the discord a few nights ago. were gonna meet up with will and jack to do a shopping vlog for the trip and then next week we leave. all the details are in general. plus we need to make up for that breakfast you missed." Tommy said.

"i-" i barely started before my mom interrupted me, "she's not going."

"huh!?" Tubbo blurted out.

" i said she's not going."


"y/n honey, will you come help me with something for a moment?" my mom glared into my soul, with a look that didn't look like the words she had just said were meant to be a question.

i was just about to protest when she dragged me away from the two boys with confusion in their eyes towards the laundry room.

"you're not going and that's end of story."

"i.. WHY!? I'M SIXTEEN I COULD MOVE OUT BY NOW!" i yelled in protest.

"keep your voice down y/n. we still have company over remember?" she gave me a sickeningly fake smile. "why would you want to move away from your mother? all i've done for you has been for the better."

"WHAT?! YOU THREW OUT MY PC FOR GODS SA-" i didn't even get to finish when she slapped me across the face.

What is going on? what happened to my mom? why is she being like this? 

maybe i deserve it.

No. what the fuck am i talking about?! she just fucking slapped me!


"y/n, i just want to be your mom and you're trying to move out? what about all those times i took care of you? you're just gonna throw that away? what is wrong with you?"

I couldn't believe it. My mom was trying to gaslight me!

"Maybe i need to send you back to america back with your uncle. you were better there." she said with a sad look on her face.

"You can't just put me back in america! What about my school!? And how would you make me?? I can still move out you know."

"With what money y/n? We can always just put you back in your old school."

Oh crap. i hadn't thought about that. Where would i live? How would i get money? She threw out my pc...what am i going to do?

"But if you really want to, you can apologize to me and our guests, then i would let you stay here. but only if you never leave without my permission understand? you don't want to make your poor mother worry." she said with a small smile. she had me right where she wanted me.

i had no other chance but to stay with her. i still love her... right? she's my mom.

"i'm s-sorry" i said in reluctance.

"that's more like it. you know i love you right y/n? i just want what's best for you." she said giving me a small kiss on the forehead before leaving the laundry room.

* * *

"i'm sorry for the wait, boys. oh! and y/n has made her decision."

"y/n?" Tommy said, looking at me with a tinge of worry in his voice.

"I can't go." I said almost at the verge of tears, but i held them back. Tubbo and Tommy looked at me in surprise.

"Are... are you sure?" Tubbo mumbled.



Sorry for not updating in a while i kinda forgot about wattpad lol

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