Chapter 8.1

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It didn't take long for Hinata to arrive back at the Hyuga Estate. Her father was waiting for her and she mentally braces herself. She could only hope that he wouldn't be able to tell what had happened the night before.

"Good morning, Father." Her best hope was to act normally. "Shall we begin making wedding preparations?" Hiashi would probably know that something was going on, if she acted differently than normal.

Hiashi nods to Hinata in acknowledgment. "Good morning, daughter. Have your fiancées been treating you well?" She probably should have seen that question coming. It was only natural that that he would be concerned.

"Yes, I was wondering about where we are going to hold the wedding." If the entire Hyuga Clan was going to show up, they were going to need a large venue. "Is everyone from our Clan coming? That's a few hundred people and I'm sure that the Rookie Nine will want to come." This was going to take awhile. "Oh and of course, Kurenai Sensei and Mirai." There was no way that she wasn't going to invite her Sensei to her own wedding!

"Most likely we'll host the wedding on our grounds. They should be sufficiently large enough." That was true and the gardens were beautiful. "What do you think?"

It was a fine idea. The gardens were lovely, especially at night. Underneath a starry sky. "I would like that very much." It could be quite romantic.

By the end of the month, Hinata would be a married woman. She still hadn't fully process that fact, but the bluenette knew that she should have. She was already their lover. The ceremony was more a formality at this point than anything else.

"Wonderful. Have you thought about who you want to be your Maid of Honor?" Oh right. That was a good point. "Kurenai Sensei. She's done so much for me." And that was definitely true.

Hiashi nods approvingly at her choice. "Very well. I do hope that the Groom's Best Men aren't going to cause trouble." Hinata did as well. "Naruto is an inspiration to us all, but he is sometimes like a Bull in a China Shop." That was true. Naruto definitely had a habit of being loud and destroying things, even when he didn't mean to. "And I can't even begin to imagine who Itachi will select as his Best Man. It can't be Sasuke. He's getting married as well." Hinata simply nods at that.

"We're going to need to decide on a cake. Well probably a lot of cakes" It was doubtful that one would be enough to feed hundreds of people, no matter how big it was. "I'll ask Itachi and Sasuke about that though. I don't really know what flavor they like." Well other than cabbage and tomato. Though Hinata doubted they made cakes in those unique flavors.

It looked her father agreed with her. That or he didn't think it was worth arguing about. Well he would call it a discussion. In reality though, it was an argument.

"Very well. Do you have a preference on the flowers?" Now, there was a question Hinata had never imagined her father asking her. Hiashi Hyuga was discussing flowers. She almost burst out giggling at the silliness of the situation, but Hinata manages to refrain. Barely.

Laughing wouldn't be a good idea right now. "Well I was thinking white and red roses." Her father obviously wasn't happy about her impending marriage. "They'd be really beautiful." Teasing him about it would just be cruel and Hinata wasn't a cruel person.

As she was talking to her father, Hinata could feel it. Well more accurately, she could feel them. They were being watched. Being watched by other members of their Clan.

Not that Hinata could blame them. Her wedding to Sasuke and Itachi was positively scandalous. It was only natural that the rest of their family would be curious about the whole affair.

"White and red roses are an excellent choice. Now, what about dinner or did you wish to consult them on that matter as well?" That didn't make Hinata feel less self-conscious about it though, even ironing out the finer details of her wedding was making the young woman feel flustered. "A little bit of everything might be ideal. We have such a large Clan. It's the only way to ensure that everyone can find something that they like." Eventually, she'd get over it though. The bluenette had to.

Her father doesn't raise any objections to that and Hinata considers that a good sign. It looked like they had both accepted the fact that the contract appeared largely unbreakable. The Hyuga Heiress was suddenly relieved about that fact. If it wasn't, she probably would have had to choose between the two brothers and doing so would have been unbearable.

"A fine choice." Yes, her father was being very agreeable about this. Almost suspiciously so. "Now there are many other matters that we'll have to decide upon. You'll have to take their last names for obvious reasons." Hinata knew that. The Hyuga Clan was large and the Uchiha Clan had almost been wiped out. Though she wasn't going to insult her father's intelligence by saying so. "Hanabi will take your title as Heiress and you will become the Uchiha Matriarch."

Hinata nods. "Of course." Hanabi would be a better leader for her Birth Clan than she could ever be anyway. The Clan that she had been born into was a very proud, but cold family. Hanabi might be able change that, but Hinata doubted that she would have been able to.

In less than a week, they'd become an integral part of her life. Hinata could scarcely believe the reality of her new world, but it was one that she treasured. She knew that the rest of the village (and the world) would have a hard time accepting her unconventional marriage, but maybe they were right. Maybe, it didn't matter what happened outside of the Uchiha District that much.

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