preference 23 · voice mail he leaves you

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"I just want you to know that I love you. My love for you is beyond all measures. You're going to be mad at me, and I'm sorry. Everything I do is for you. I love you so much, and I will miss you. I wouldn't want to go any other way than protecting you. I'll see you one day, on the other side. I'll never stop loving you... Bye."

Stefan was in a situation where it was you or him. He didn't think twice, and put his life at stake for you. He knew he was going to die before hand, so he called you. You didn't pick up.



"Hey hot stuff. You won't pick up your damn phone, but that's okay. I get it. I know you're mad at me right now. Hell, I'm mad at me. Just know I love you and I'm sorry. It was the bourbon, I promise."

Damon got drunk with Alaric and said some hurtful words to you. You walked out and went somewhere. You refused to answer his calls the rest of the night.



"Hey Love. It's girl's day, I know, but I miss you. I actually was watching some television and an ad for engagement rings and jewelry and what-not popped up. It made me think of you so I thought I'd call. Next time I'll have a spa day with you, okay? I miss you too much. Alright, I'm pontificating. I love you, gorgeous. Come home soon. Bye."

You were out with the girls having a spa day, and Klaus decided to call. You left your phone with your clothes and other belongings so you didn't get the call.



"Hey, I know you won't get this until morning, but I miss you. You mean so much to me, it's worrying. I've never connected with anyone the way I connect with you. Thank you for being the rock to my roll. I love our the way we love each other, but most of all I love you. Thank you for saving me. I miss you. Come by after you hear this."

You fell asleep and didn't respon to Elijah for two hours. He knew you were alseep, he knows you very well, so he left a voice message for you to wake up to.



"Guess what. Well, I am going through you diary and I found a LOT about me. You thought I was an asshole at first? Ouch. That's okay, because you still scream my name every night. Anyways, call me back. I love you darling. Oh and drive safe. Wait you're a vampire, it doesn't matter. Haha anyways. Love you, bye."

You went with Rebekah to go look into some new information on Silas. You had your phone on vibrate, but left it in a room over from you. Oops!



"Hey, I- um- I know you won't get this, but it helps me to call. I like hearing you voice when it sends me to voice message. Um, well, I miss you. It's been one day but I miss you. I'll see you soon, okay. I love you. Don't forget me. Oh and thank you, you know for being the only person who cared enough to give me a chance. B-bye."

You had left to go help the group with fighting off the Mikaelsons. He didn't like it, but they needed the help. In battle one of them ripped your heart out, and there was no way for you to come back.

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