Chapter four

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I'm getting dress for my date with liv
And I'm so fuckin nervous,like I mean it's liv like I'm deadass in love with her  😍

I decided I'm goin to wear

(This is what Sasha is wearin on the date)

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(This is what Sasha is wearin on the date)

"3rd person pov"

Sasha decided what she was gon wear and she quickly grab her purse and got into her car and drove to pick liv up for the date .


I'm so excited for my date broooo I can't believe I finally have a date wit the girl I beeen
Crushing for ever , I say to ruby dreamily.

Ik right I'm so happy for u guys ya know it took y'all long enough , u guys made it so obvious said , ruby .

Whatever I thought I was very chill with it , I roll my eyes .

Yea cuz chill is staring at her and smellin her everytime she walks by mhm , ruby says sarcastically.

I blush, ok well in my defense she smells good and have I seen her I could I not look at her I say , loud.

Alright alright not creepy at all ruby says with her hand up in the air.

I roll my eyes.

RUBYYY HELP ME WITH WHAT TO WEAR!!!! I say in a whiny tone

Alright what we have to wear LIV!!!! , ruby says mocking me 🙄.

Ok so we have this outfit 1

Okayyy I like it it's cute and u look good in it ruby says hyping me up , 💁🏼‍♀️

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Okayyy I like it it's cute and u look good in it ruby says hyping me up , 💁🏼‍♀️.

Outfit number 2

Okayyy the girls 🍒 are popping she says with a laugh 😂

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Okayyy the girls 🍒 are popping she says with a laugh 😂.

Outfit number 3

I- now this outfit look like u freaky in a good way GRRRRRRR , I laugh 😂 loudly at her sillyness

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I- now this outfit look like u freaky in a good way GRRRRRRR , I laugh 😂 loudly at her sillyness.

Which one thooo ruuu, i whineee.

since this is ur guys first date go with the first one ,ruby says .

Alrighty I say hugging ruby to thank her .
Liv gets a text that's Sasha is here and quickly pulls off the gif and gets into the car
"3rd person pov"

Both of the girls are  completely speechless when they see each other .

They both quickly say they hi's to each other and drive off to the dinner .

Both of them are pretty nervous .

I drove up to LIVS house  and when I saw liv I just I completely just wanted to kiss her she looked so amazing the dress she is wearing she just looks so perfect.

We both say our hi's and hug and drive off.

When we sit there We quickly sit down and I say to liv "U look great" I say .

Thank u ,she blushes .

Ughh she looked so adorable when she blushes .

Sasha looks great I swear I just keep staring she looks amazing . 😳

"U look great ur self"I wink 😉.

She blushes.

When she blush she looks so cute I sigh cuz She just so dreamy.


"3rd person pov"
"Thank u so much for this date it was amazing" , liv says blushes to Sasha.

"No problem I'm so glad u said yes , ya know I been crushing on u for awhile" ,Sashas says to liv finally just confessing how she been truly feeling all along .

"Really😳", liv says shocked with a blush .

"Yea I just idk there sun abt u that just attracts me ur personality is just amazing the way u always smile and laugh and just are so happy and u just make everyone love life ur just idk just ig it was love at first site" ,says nervous😥to tell liv she loves her .

"L-love" liv say shocked.

"Yea liv I love u" Sasha finally says to her.

"I- I love u to Sasha", says.

And then .... THEY KISS.

Sasha can't believe liv feels the same way after all these year she feels the same .
"SASHA pov"

LOVE liv LOVES ME To be honest I'm shocked i legit would have never thought of that liv the gurl I been in love with since 2018 when she debuted on raw that she loves me back LIVS is beyond perfect and I would have never thought she would even say yes to the date but look at us now I'm just I'm so happy.

"3rd person pov"

They finish kissing and they both just appalled .

They both just sigh and they kiss again after a few minutes of kissing they break apart for air.

They both just smile and can't believe what happening .

"Wanna go back to my",place Sasha ask .

"Yea" ,liv smiles .

I honestly can't believe what just happen it's crazy tbh .

After Sasha asks me to go back to her place I pull out my phone to text ruby that I won't be back to ( me and ruby liv together)

Ruuubyyyy (bestie)💕😈

I'm going to Sasha rubesss so I won't be back till tmrw

Ooooo 😏ok have fun but not to much fun enjoy 😜.

I laugh .

I put my phone away and I follow Sasha to her car and get in the passenger side.

The. We drove off to her house

"3rd person pov"

They drive to Sasha house and let's just say once they got there they couldn't keep there hands off each other .

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