4. Happy Heroween

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It's Halloween night at the Thundermans House. Barb, Hank, Nora, Billy and Chloe are all dressed up in dental-themed costumes ready to go Trick-or-Treating. But they have to wait for Max,Angel and Phoebe so that they can all go together. The Thunder Twins finally come downstairs but to everyone's disappointment, they're not dressed in costumes and are going to a party together. Barb persuades them by saying that this is their tradition but Max reminds her that he and Phoebe also have a tradition of ditching the rest of the family. Hank tries to stop them but Nora convinces him to let them go by saying because it means more candy for them.

Then Barb asks where Angel was. So, the Thunder Twins get out of the door ready to leave. Unfortunately, a huge lightning bolt strikes and scares them back into the house. Billy thinks his Super-Speed is faster than lightning but his toothpaste costume gets struck by lightning, proving him wrong, and lightning is faster than him. The Thundermans decide to just sit around and watch a scary movie together.

But then, the lights go out because of the storm. Angel then poofs in like a magician with her used to be villain suit on and tells them that she knew this would happen and so she has prepared some spooky stories to scare them. Then Max asks "isn't that your old villain uniform?" She responds with "I don't know, is it?" She says dramatically The Thundermans just decide to leave, but Angel asks if they're scared. Phoebe tells her that they're superheroes, they can't be scared by Angel's spooky tales.

Angel takes this as a challenge and accepts. Phoebe tries to clarify that no one challenged her, but she firmly shouts "I said challenge accepted!" So, Angel starts telling the first story, The Troll in the Bowl.

The Troll in the Bowl

There were two kids, Billy and Nora who had just come back from Trick-or-Treating only to realize that all of their candy is gone. Their mother (Barb) places more candy on the table but their dad (Hank) warned them of the Troll in the Bowl who goes after kids that eat too much candy. Nora advised Billy to ignore their father's story because she knew he was just trying to scare them away. So, Billy and Nora take the candy and went to eat it outside the house. While eating the candy, the Troll appeared behind them and ran past the driveway. Billy told Nora that he saw something but Nora assumed Billy was talking about the coconut in the candy. Then there was a voice. Billy got scared but Nora convinced him that it was just their dad trying to scare them and try to bribe him with candy as long as he doesn't tell their mom.

Then all of a sudden the troll appeared and started chasing after Billy and Nora. The kids ran into the house and locked all the doors. Nora believes that everything would be fine if they don't eat any more candy. Unfortunately, Billy couldn't resist the coconut in the candy. Then, the troll appeared in the house and the ran after them. When it finally caught them, it turned the kids into pieces of candy. Then, their father came over and found the kids. And they lived happily ever after (except for the kids, whose father ate them bones and all).

After hearing Angel's story, Nora and Billy get spooked out and ran to their bedroom. "Out of my way" Nora said to Billy "I'm not going to die first" This makes
Angel happy that she's scared them away. She brags about how her's winning, before starting another story to scare the rest of the family away.

The Monstermans

The Monstermans (Thundermans) were a family of monsters.

The Monstermans Opening Sequence

Phoebe Monsterman - witch.

Max Monsterman - werewolf.

Angel Monsterman - Vampire

Nora Monsterman - mummy.

Billy Monsterman - bug villain.

Chloe Monsterman - zombie.

A Superhero in the house? (A Thundermans Story)Where stories live. Discover now