Chapter 3

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(Y/n) POV

Today is the day I hang out with Kuroo. I agreed to this because he is one of my closest friends. I also haven't been spending so time with him. I have 2 hours before I meet him. I got breakfast that my aunt made. I cleaned myself and got dress.

 I cleaned myself and got dress

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(Pick any of the 2)

I went out of the house around 8:45. I arrived at the park at 8:54. I saw Kuroo there waiting. "I'm sorry did I make you wait to long." I said. "No I just arrive a few minutes ago." he said. "Ok what you want to do?" I asked. "I haven't played volleyball with you in a while." he said. "So you want me to play with you?" I asked. "Yep we'll be playing a 1 v 1." he said and I nodded. There is a volleyball net on the park so we use that. 

We spent almost 2 hours until he finally can score a point. "Kuroo you took forever to let the ball hit my side." I said. "Hey! I never knew it would be harder now to play with you. Not gonna lie your attacks were not easy to block." he said. "Despite you being the middle blocker of the team." I said. "Hey don't insult me I'm still great." he said. "Yea your still but Kuroo I'm tired so be happy you mange to score a point." I said. "Fine let's get something to eat." he said. I nodded and we went to a cafe. I got (Fav drink) and (Fav dessert). While Kuroo got a vanilla latte and a slice of cake. 

Kuroo's POV

I never knew (Y/n) will still be a hardcore volleyball player. I mean she is the one that helps us more powerful. So far I'm enjoying my time with her. She's really cute with different clothes on. "So (Y/n) how's your star life." I asked. This got her attention and look up from her phone. "Oh it's fine but I'm going to be busy from Tuesday to Thursday next week." she said. "Why?" I asked. "We have many things to do. So I'll be leaving you guys some tips to practice on Monday." she replied. "So your not coming to school for 3 days?" I asked. "Yes. We also have a performance next next Saturday." she said. "Really I haven't seen you perform in a while." I said. "Well you can watch it online or something." she said. "Heh? why not invite me?" I asked. "Well it's in the other side of the city." she said. "Oh well then I'll probably miss you." I said. "Well I'm not gonna be gone but thank you for that." she said. "Wow how can she act so calm with me saying I'll miss her?" I thought. 

(Y/n) POV

We finished eating and was walking around enjoying the view. It was around 4pm. I then got a call it was my manager. She said that if I can send a recording of the piano part for my new song. I agreed since it's not that hard. "Kuroo can we go home for a while I need to do something?" I asked. "Sure." he said. We went to my house and I started recording the instrumental sound. After I was done, I turn to see Kuroo impress?? "What is it?" I asked. "Do you mind playing a song for me?" he asked. I nodded and started to play one of the beautiful piece I know.

(Credits to owner and creator.)

"So how as that?" I asked. "It was beautiful." he said. "Thanks it's a piece that I always play but never performed it." I said. "Well you should try performing it." he said. "I'll try. Anyways what do you wanna do?" I asked. He was thinking for a while until he thought of something. "What to go to an arcade with me?" he asked. "I don't go to those places but sure." I said. We then walked out of the house and made our way to the arcade. 

When we got there it was loud but it looked fun. We first started with a racing game. He won which he won't stop teasing me about. We then played a gun game which I won. "How are you so good in this?" he asked. "This is like archery but with a gun." I replied. Then I went to a claw machine cause I saw a chibi plus of (Fav anime character). "I never knew you like anime." he said. "I do their fun to watch and I love the characters." I said. After 3 tries I got the plus. "How did you get that in 3 tries?" he asked. "Kuroo I'm not a idiot." I said. He sweat drop because he realize I'm one of the best students in school. There was an indoor roller skating in the arcade so we tried that. "Kuroo you sure you know how to do this?" I asked. "Well you can always help me." he said. "Fine." I replied. I help Kuroo skate we had fun. It was getting late so we got some popsicles as a reward from the tickets. We finish our popsicles and I was in my front door. "I had fun today Kuroo thank you." I said. "I had fun too. Also here." he said while handing me a black small box. When I opened it inside was a beautiful gold heart necklace.

 When I opened it inside was a beautiful gold heart necklace

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"Kuroo it's beautiful." I said. He took it and put it around my neck. "Thank you." I said. "It's no problem just promise me you will wear it every time." he said. "Of course." I said and went in my house. I had one thought in my head. "Am I falling for Kuroo?"

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