Chapter 19

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(Y/n) POV

The same thing has happened for the next following days of camp. I kept on training Lev and he's slowly getting it. I'm currently on practice with my friends. The competition is next week Saturday. "(Y/n) why don't we get food first?" Suzuki asked. "Sure." I replied. We then went out and went to a cafe. We ordered our food and sat in a table. "So how are you and Kuroo?" Mizuku asked. "Were fine." I said. "Again your answer are too boring." she said. "Well if you want to describe it then the word fit for it is 'great'." I said. "Well ever since you 2 got together you finally know how have fun." Suzuki said. "Hey I can have fun." I said. "By working." Mizuki said. "I enjoy it." I said. "Anyways if you need help were here." Yuki said. I nodded and we continued to chat. After finish our food we went back to the studio. 

We did some warm ups. Soon we change but since were going be performing with heels, were dancing with heels. "Ouch this always hurts." Mizuku complained. "Well I thought your already used to it." Suzuki said. "Yea but still hurts" Mizuki said. Soon the music started but in the middle of the dance something tragic happened. "OMG (Y/N) ARE YOU OK?" I heard Mizuki shout. "I'm fine." I said trying to stand up. Unfortunately I fell because the floor was still slippery. "She cant stand up I'll call an ambulance." Yuki said. Soon I was brought to a hospital. 

Kuroo's POV

Today at camp it wasn't (Y/n) who came. Instead it was her friend Yuki. At first I thought she was gonna watch with (Y/n) but she went to the managers place. Yuki is the person who always sub (Y/n) when is needed. I went to Yuki to ask. "Hey Yuki where's (Y/n)?" I asked. "She injured her leg during practice so, she'll be home for 5 days." she said. My eyes went wide and quickly asked if she's ok. "She's fine she just slipped because the floor was still wet." she said. I nodded and continued with practice.

After practice today I quickly rush to go to (Y/n)'s house. I rang the door and her sister came. "Oh your my sister's lover. She's upstairs." she said and I nodded. I knock at her door once I made it. I heard a come in so I went in. Once I went in she was in her computer literally not resting. "(Y/n) you should be resting." I said. "I rested for 3 hours and 27 minutes a while ago." she said. "But your not fully healed." I said. "It's fine I have a lot to do." she said. I went to her and took the computer off her. "Rest." I said. "Fine." she replied. I just explored her room. "So how's training today?" she asked. "It was fine same same." I said. "I see." she replied. "Anyways seems your really successful." I said mentioning her awards. "Yea but I didn't alone." she said. "And I'm also not doing it alone." I said. We just talk and hang for the rest of the day. Soon I was about to leave but (Y/n) spoke up. "Will you watch my performance?" she asked. "Of course because this time I'm watching it as your boyfriend." I said. She smiled and gave me a goodbye kiss. Then I left.

(Y/n) POV

Days passed and I healed. We only had a day left before the competition. We only want to win because we don't want to take the long way for Japan's National Dance Festival. We were currently resting after practice. "So how we gonna win this thing tomorrow?" Mizuku asked. "We do the same." Suzuki said. "I heard our competitors are rather extra special." Yuki said. "Well it doesn't matter we had more than training." I said. "Well your right we not stopping to become idols." Mizuki said. "Well were much more advance." Suzuki said. "Yep but many are determined to win against us." Yuki said. "It takes more than that to surpass us." I said. They nodded and we went home. 

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