Chapter 8: Engaging the Purifier!!

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Location: Pacific Ocean, some 1200km from the West Coast.

Date: January 1st, 2025

Time: 8:15 AM.

Yesterday night, the crews of both battleships had celebrated the New Year in their own ways. On board the Missouri, it is all lively and bright, with fireworks, barbecue, hotdogs, hamburger, beer, and some fun and games and chit-chats with the crew themselves, celebrating it to the fullest. A few got themselves in the scuffle fight but that didn't fit into a full blown fight thanks to Richard's intervention.

On the Yamato, the crew over there celebrated in a well-mannered and traditional way. Most prayed for their families and friends in their world for safety and well-being while others simply had a bit of chat with some shots of Sake and their traditional New Year Foods. A few American sailors got on board of the Yamato to escape the hype and frenzy of the American New Year Celebration.

Altogether, there are some sailors who are still having hang-overs from last night, but seeing that they are far behind the enemy lines and well within the Eagle Union/United States territory, Richard decided to let them rest for a while. Besides, there is absolutely no way any sane enemy would come and dare to attack them within this territory, let alone try and scout them out. It is an absolute suicide mission. 

But there is only one enemy that he should worry about.

According to William and the Shipgirls who joined the party last night, the Sirens are virtually unpredictable and can appear without warning. 

As of now, most of the shipgirls who are ordered to escort the two battleships safely had unsummoned their rigging and enjoying their siesta time for the time being. Enterprise is simply herself again: always tense and on a lookout for anything looking out of place. 

---Somewhere 100km from where the convoy is---

The most rolls in, slowly engulfing the area with a thick layer of Fog. 

Then, within the Fog, a mysterious circle of light and energy appeared, floating just above the ocean. Turns out, it is the Mirror Sea; one of few Siren Tech that many nations, even the Eagle Union, had failed to reverse engineer.

Out of the mirror Sea, a Siren girl came out of it. Turns out it is the infamous Purifier.

"Mmmmm Ahhhhhhh!"  Purifier stretched out as she exited the Mirror Sea. "I can't wait to stretch out on them. Too bad that this will be their last battle~"

She then gives out the sinister giggle as she then summoned her personal flight gear and flew right towards the unsuspecting Convoy. 

---back to the convoy---

  Some of the battleships' crew are already up and began to do their usual routine. It felt strange that they weren't punished by the Captain for over-sleeping. But Richard let them go just for this season. Besides, they all have one heck of a night during the New Year Celebration. And he decided to loosen them up just once in a while. 

Everything is all fine and well, with everything going smoothly.

Until the Radar Operator noticed something. 

--In the bridge of the Missouri--

Richard had been informed that a flying craft was coming straight towards them at approximately 300 knots from around 30km out, 50 degrees to starboard from their current heading. To play it safe, he decided to order some men to use their Anti-Air batteries. 

This is serious. Something traveling that fast to their direction is bad in every way. 

And indeed it is. So much so that the girls, who are alerted by their own air radar, decided to summon their rigging back, expecting something.

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