Chapter-6: Adapting Part-1

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Location: Pearl Harbour

Time: 3:30 PM

Date: December 7th, 2025 Friday. 

The harbour is in a pinch. After almost three hours of dealing with a surprise attack from the Sakuran fleet, the base is already undergoing a cleanup as quickly as possible. According to the base personnel, they believe that it will take up to a week at best to clear the harbour just enough to let the ships enter it. 

The casualties mounted up to sixteen men and with another twenty injured. As for the shipgirls, Nevada had to beach her ship form after being struck by two torpedoes from the Siren planes just to prevent her from sinking in a fairly deep harbour. West Virginia barely made it out after her ship form got struck, which sank her to her deck. Oklahoma's ship form is completely capsized, so a full recovery is needed for her. 

As for San Diego, well…  she isn't going to sing her distinctive and iconic song for a while after seeing her ship form being towed in from its original berth while sunk stern-first. 

"MY SHIIIIPPP!! WAHHHH!" Sandy cried out in remorse. 

"Yikes." Glowworm simply commented as she stood next to her, seeing San Diego's shipform being towed in. 

All in all, all shipgirls are fine with some minor injuries to a few unlucky ones who got caught in the flames of a battle. But those whose ship got sunk, disabled, or beached will have to wait for weeks, if not months, to get them back into service for the new war again. 

Meanwhile, the Union Naval Commander is heading towards the location of the two battleships. As his boat sailed on, he looked around the aftermath of this battle the likes he had never seen before. But this is the least of his problems: he needs to get this naval base up and running in a few weeks by clearing the wrecks with either brute force or with explosives. Environmental concerns are the least of his issues for this kind of situation his base is in. 

His journey was almost over when his boat finally reached the two stationary but imposing battleships some 5 km from the harbour entrance. He then carefully studied the two battleships with a sharp eye. The one on the right-hand side almost resembles North Carolina Class when looked frontally. So in conclusion, it is an Eagle Union design. The one on the left-hand side looked enormous and much more imposing than the Eagle Union battleship. But as he looked closely, this particular one has a gold chrysalis on its bow. And the bridge he saw on this battleship, if he could call it a bridge at all, almost looks as though someone just mounted a fricking tower on a battleship and it somehow floats. He can even see a barbette-mounted secondary overlooking a main turret which has similar design to what the Sakuran Light Cruiser Mogami and Mikuma are currently having. As for its main turrets, it looked nothing like what the Sakuran Navy have in their current Arsenal. In a way, this particular battleship is a Sakuran Battleship in design. 

As he closes in on an Eagle Union battleship, he can clearly see the men on board throwing out what appears to be a rope ladder down to him. It must have been strange to him seeing a battleship of the past having sailors on board when most of the ships currently in service are already having their personifications. He then looked at the Sakuran battleship and saw more of those sailors on that battleship. What further confirmed his hypothesis that the second battleship is of Sakuran origin are the appearances and the looks of those sailors on board.

After reaching the deck level of the Union battleship, he saw what he believes is a captain due to his dress code being different and worlds apart from the other sailors who are wearing light-blue shirts with dark-blue trousers with white caps. 

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