This Needs To Stop!!!

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TW: Body Shaming, Tranphobic, Homophobic, Mention of R4p3, Su1c1d3

I know some people woke up this morning/afternoon/night and was ready for it to be good which is what I thought was gonna happen but my thought was turned right onto it's f^cking head!!

Now I go to Virtual School meaning I do all of my school work at home and I just can't with my teacher right now!

Since I'm doing school from home I don't have to wear my uniform but I do have to wear things that are appropriate, I have to keep my camera turned on, and I can't use the chat for anything funny. So I was sitting at my computer, doing my work and minding my own business when I needed to use the bathroom, so I got up and started to walk to the bathroom and I'm in some leggings and a baggie hoodie, but when I was walking to the bathroom I could hear my Transphobic teacher saying "I don't even know why HE'S in my class HE'S so disgusting and HE calls HIMSELF a she and not a HE ugh!" and she went on commenting on how fat my hips are and how my chest is to small and a who bunch of stuff.

When I heard all this stuff I couldn't help but cry as I was in the bathroom. When I went back to my computer she asked "Cameron you look like you've been crying, what's wrong?" I couldn't even answer her I was still in tears so I turned off my camera and proceeded to ball my eyes out.

The only people here, in my house are me and my younger brother so the whole time I was crying my brother was trying to comfort me and calm me down.

This whole Transphobic and Homophobic and Body Shaming and ALL of it needs to stop! I have done nothing! To deserve that! I have been doing my work, being on time to class, and I have listened to her and not ONCE have I done anything to her!

And when I look at my grades and work from her she has failed me on everything I have done and then she'll write on my work that "I need to explain the work more" when I literally write down everything she types up on her computer!

So thanks to her I'm probably going to fail this school year and I hear I'm not the only person from the LGTBQ+ Community she's done or is doing this to, I have a group of friends in my class and one of them is Trans as well and two of them are Gay and Pansexual like What The Funk?!

I'll be hearing about this new law their trying or are enforcing in schools about Teachers being able to check the students 'Areas' just to make sure their Trans or not so they can go to the bathroom!! What is happening with this world?!

I remember when kids could come out to their parents as Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Pan, Trans and their parents would be so proud of them but now some parents are against that stuff. I remember when I could walk outside or go to the store or go places and not have men starring me down and following me and my dad around but now no women, man, or child is safe from any r4pist.

If a Female doesn't have the perfect body or the perfect curves then she doesn't fit today's society, but if she does then she can't show it off or else their gonna call her desprit.

If a Female doesn't wear make-up then that means she's being to lazy and their gonna ask her "Is it that time of month again?" but if she does wear make-up then it's because she does it for attention.

They always want the girl with the perfect hair, the prefect face, the perfect body but if she try's to change and become that perfect girl then you call her a s1ut

They say that girls are so emotional and over dramatic just because the way she acts but if she acts like how you want her to act then they say shes trying to hard

If a Female says No to someone that means she's being to uptight but if she says yes then she's just letting herself go

When a Female wears a dress or a skirt men take that as she's asking for it but when she wears pants or shorts then she is just hiding herself

What The Funk is Wrong With People?!

How Much Do Us Girls Have To Struggle Until Those Perverted Men Learn That Were Not Toys!!!

The Only Reason I'm Still Alive Today Is Cuz I don't want my dad to walk into my room and see me on the ground covered in blood and have to see him walk over to my body and hold me close as he shakes me saying "Baby girl? Baby Girl! Please wake up this isn't funny!" and I'd finally get to see the man that I have never seen cry, cry.

I can't stand having to visualize that if I off myself that when my brother comes in all happy to see me and he see me on the floor dead and I'd have to see him scream and cry for me to go play outside with him and I wouldn't answer him as he screamed for his big sister.

I can't stand having to have my stepmom walk into my room and see me hanging there and she break down crying yelling "Sidney! You Were Supposed To Be My Road Dog!!"

I can't stand to have my mom and stepdad get the call that their daughter has just killed herself while their at work and my mom collapse to the ground and scream and cry for me to come back while my stepdad start to have a panic attack in the middle of the store.

I can't stand not knowing who's going to be there for my friends when they need me or someone to talk to.

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