Ghost OC

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Name: Myah
Age: 4
Gender: Female
Personality: scared, jumpy, fraidy-cat, happy, kind, nice
Likes: Cute things, Happy feelings
Dislikes: Scary things, Violence, Sharp objects
Markings: She has a big cut on her stomach that goes all the way to her neck, she has  multiple gashes on her legs
How she died: She was playing in the forest when a couple of men came out from around a tree and attacked her, they scratched and bruised her before she ran into a cave then they slashed her and fully killed her

Name: MyahAge: 4Gender: FemalePersonality: scared, jumpy, fraidy-cat, happy, kind, niceLikes: Cute things, Happy feelingsDislikes: Scary things, Violence, Sharp objectsMarkings: She has a big cut on her stomach that goes all the way to her neck, s...

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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