Can't Let Go

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"You'll never know the fear of losing someone like you, if you're someone like me." --- Annie Wilkes, Misery





Jericho "Rick" Onyx POV

Once I got off the phone with my baby Jacob, I checked my GPS to my Escalade. Ugh.

"Track Lisa Onyx." I say outloud to my automated tracker in my car. I put a tracker on Lisas phone, in her fur coats, in her jewelery, on her cars and purses. The bitch is crazy I must know where she is at all times.

It gave me the address and I swerved off to go find the bitch.





*(Marriott Hotel; 3:00am)*


I banged on the door vigorously.  She opened it and was shocked when she saw me. I grabbed her by her long hair and dragged her to the bathroom. She was thrashing, flailing her arms and legs around frantically. I locked the door to the hotel as she screamed to the top of her lungs. Her brother tried to jump in it but I just right hooked him and his frail ass dropped in the hall way instantly. She tried to fight me back but I three pieced her as she collapsed on the wall to the floor.

"Dumb bitch." I spat at her grabbing her making her look at me. "YOU STUPID BITCH!!!!!! STAY OUT OF MY RELATIONSHIPS , STAY OUT MY BUSINESS AND MAYBE YOULL BE ABLE TO KEEP YO LIFE!!! WHEN IM HOME IM HOME WHEN IM NOT IM NOT!" I slapped her and she fell unconscious like her brother on the bathroom floor.

I pulled out a cigarette and lit it while walking out the bathroom. I took her wallet, her purse, my cards and cash from her and Julius.

Now I have to take all the money out of our joined account and move it to my personal account to my other bank. This bitch not going nowhere else, she on lock down.





*(Next Day : 8:03 am , Hotel Parking Lot)*

Lisa "RicksFirst32" Onyx POV

"NO RICK FUCK YOU HOW IM ON LOCK DOWN?!?! YOU ALREADY BEAT MY ASS!!!" I screamed into the phone crying hands rubbing all over my sore and Bruised body.

"Cause BITCH I told you to mind yo damn business." He hung up and I called back a million times but he blocked my number too.

"Girl all you gotta do is do some party promotions at some local clubs they'll pay stacks you know that. " Julius reminds me but I still rolled my eyes.

"I know that but I came here to turn up and wreck shop not hustle. That didn't work out so I'm ready to go home." I sighed going in my purse pulling out a cigarette and lighting it up. So sick of this fucking life. Rick is so fucking cold to me mane. Nigga haven't even had sex with me in 3 years. We used to make love all night till the sun rise now this nigga barely even hug me. We used to laugh and talk for hours till the sun came up, now this nigga barely say Hi to me. It hurts me because even if there isn't romance there…I just want my friend back. I sat in me and Julius rental as he tweeted away like I wasn't stressing. Like we weren't robbed and fucked and stuck in Washington. 

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