Chapter 7

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Oh much did he hear?!

"Oh...Miyamura.." I said.

"Guessing by his reaction, you haven't confessed yet, ha." Itsuki laughed.

"Let's go talk somewhere else, Izumi." I took him by his wrist and we went outside.

"Is it true..?" He started.

"That I love you? Maybe..." I wasn't really ready to confess yet but I guess universe had other plans.

For a few seconds, he just stayed silent, looking into my eyes.

Ah this is embarrassing. I shouldn't have said that.

"It's fine if you don't feel th-" But I was quickly interrupted when his lips met mine.

I was confused but I kissed him back. I loved it when he did this.

"Y/L..." He pulled away. "I...I lo-"

Miyamura's POV:

Damn it. Why can't I say it!? Say it!


"I love you!"

She stood there and looked at me, confused.

"Y-you do?" She spoke.

"I do. But I didn't have the courage to say it, I'm sorry.."

She pulled me into a hug.

I hugged her back, wrapping my hands around her waist, never wanting to let go.

She truly made me happy. I didn't have a great childhood at all, like I said before. I didn't think anyone would ever love me for me but here I am...

hugging the girl that just told me she loves me. She has seen my true self and she still loves me. She loves me for me.

I loved her and she loved me.

And that made me happier than anything.

"Hmm...I have an idea. Come with me." I said as I grabbed her.

"Wait where are we-"

"You'll see."

Y/N's POV:

We've been walking for a few minutes now and we finally reached our destination.

"Miyamura? Why are we standing in front of a fountain-"

And in a second, I was in the fountain.

Did Miyamura push me?! Oh he's so gonna pay for that.

"Excuse meeee?!" I said as I got up.

"You won't get away with this, Izumi."

He blushed. I could tell he was always getting flustered when I called him by his name so I took this chance to push him next to me.

"Hey! Did you do this on purpose?!" He said, laughing.

His laugh. His laugh was literally everything. I would never get tired of hearing it.

"Maybeeee...." I responded.

He pulled me into another hug.

Jeez I guess he loves hugging, huh.

I'm not complaining, though. I loved being in his arms.

"I never wanna let you go." He mumbled.

"Don't." I replied.

But then I realised...

When people walk by, they will see 2 crazy people in a fountain, hugging...

"Wait, Miya, Don't we look like a crazy couple? I mean hugging in a fountain doesn't seem something a normal couple would do, I think."

"Miya? Is that your new nickname for me?" He chuckled.

There it is again. His laugh.

"Stop laughing or I might fall even harder." I mumbled.

"Hm?" He questioned.

But I didn't respond, I just hugged him tighter.

"Hey you alright?" Miyamura said as he raised my chin with his index finger to look at me.

"Yeah. I just feel happy here, with you, in your arms." I replied.

He blushed again.

Why was everything he did so cute and adorable?

A/N: Hello! Sorry for the short chapter I'm kind of having a writers block right now hah

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A/N: Hello! Sorry for the short chapter I'm kind of having a writers block right now hah. I'll try to make the next one longer and more interesting. if you have any ideas, feel free to suggest them! Oh and thank you sooooo much for over 2000 reads!! it's actually a huge accomplishment for me. I appreciate every single one of you, so much. Sorry for any grammatical mistakes. Have a great day/night! ❤❤

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