Chapter 7: A Present from Azathoth

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West 110th Street. Sunday morning.

Neal thrust his hands deeper into his pockets. The early morning air was unseasonably cold and damp. A dense fog had rolled in from the Hudson River.

"Do you know what Mozzie discovered?" Peter asked, his breath condensing into a white mist.

"Not a clue. All he said was for us to meet him at the corner of Amsterdam Avenue and 110th Street." When Neal called Diana and Peter last night with the news that Mozzie had cracked Azathoth's riddle, they both insisted on being present. Mozzie better be right, or Diana would never let him live it down.

Ten minutes later a figure emerged out of the fog. He was clad in a houndstooth coat and deerstalker cap. A large magnifying glass was in his hand. A little short to be Sherlock but otherwise he had the look nailed.

"Mozzie, get over here!" Diana yelled. "What are you doing in that ridiculous getup?"

He ignored her question. "Haven't you deduced it yet? You know my methods, and yet, you cannot see what is in front of your eyes?"

Puzzled, Neal looked around at the buildings. "Of course! I walk by here all the time and I didn't think of it."

"What?" Peter demanded, looking frustrated. "I have an excuse. I live in Brooklyn."

Neal pointed to a building in the middle of the street. "That's called the Britannia."

"You are correct," Mozzie said. "I'd wager my Stradivarius that Azathoth is referring to the Britannia. Another name for it is the Gargoyle Building." The nine-story apartment building was only five blocks from June's house. It had been built around the first decade of the twentieth century. Unlike the anonymous brick block apartment buildings typical for the area, the Britannia resembled an English country manor with flanking wings and a central court. The most distinctive feature, however, was the ornamentation. A row of whimsical gargoyles supported the second-floor balcony of each wing.

Mozzie placed his hands on his hips. "As you recall, the riddle says, Do you like treasure hunts? Find yourself in the sky over Britain."

Diana looked skeptical. "Why do you think he meant the Britannia?"

"Azathoth thrives on bravura displays. He wants us to discover the treasure. A building so close to where Neal lives is ideal. Haven't you found yourself yet?"

"There's something with Diana's name hidden on the roof?" Peter asked.

Mozzie shook his head. "Not likely. Use your eyes. A careful examination will reveal your answer."

Neal thought he knew, but he waited for the others to guess. Peter pointed to a gargoyle. "That fellow looks like he's writing a book. He's holding a quill, and that smirk looks like something Azathoth would relate to. You think Azathoth chose the gargoyle to represent Diana and there's something hidden in the crevice behind it?"

Mozzie nodded. "It was elementary, my dear suit. Azathoth was writing to an author. This is the logical solution. I've already spoken to the building superintendent. You'll note the ladder next to the side entrance. Who would like to have the honor?"

"The author, of course," Diana said, striding forward. She pulled a pair of gloves out of her bag and slipped them on.

Neal and Peter moved the ladder into position, while Mozzie with a sweeping gesture beckoned her forward.

Diana slung a camera around her neck and climbed the ladder. When she was at the height of the gargoyle, she peered around its head. "It looks like there may be something wedged behind it." She snapped several photos and then reached into the space between the open book and the figure. The recess was dark. It was difficult to see how far back it extended. "I got something!" she called out triumphantly as she pulled out a small thin box. She descended the ladder while Peter and Neal slipped on their gloves. Mozzie continued to view the proceedings with a complacent smile.

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