Part 1/1

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Cherry sat beside Joe under the cherry blossom trees, that weren't quite bloomed, holding his old and worn skateboard, slumped against Joe's shoulder, his uniform a mess.

"Kaoru, I get you're taking the break up hard but you need to take care of yourself," He kept an arm wrapped around the tired males waist.

"I don't want to," He yawned, snuggling into him.

Joe sighed, and picked the boy up. Cherry shot up in shock. "What are you doing?! Put me down you idiot!!!"

"I'm taking care of you because you won't," He deadpanned.

Cherry blushed, snuggling into his friends chest. "This is okay...i guess"

Joe chuckled, looking down at him with admiration. He held Kaoru's skateboard after putting his backpack on his shoulder. He carried Cherry all the way to his home, walking in.

"Kojiro! What a delightful surprise," Kaoru's mom beamed.

"Ah, yeah, do you mind if I stay the night for a while, I want to take care of Kaoru after his break up with that stupid boy that didn't deserve him in the first place- he didn't-"

"I understand Kojiro, go take care of him," She winked at him, causing Joe to blush.

Kojiro took Kaoru up to his room, laying him on the bed as he put away everything. Cherry looked up at him, scooting over to tell Joe he wanted to cuddle. He never told Joe out loud when he wanted physical contact, mostly because he constantly did, but Joe always knew.

He crawlled in bed, wrapping his arms around Cherry who wrapped his legs around Joe. Kojiro ran a hand under Cherry's shirt, rubbing his back. Kaoru responded by stuffing his face in Joe's chest. Moments past when Joe heard quiet sniffling from Cherry.

Kojiro held him a little bit away from his chest, just to see Cherry's crying face. Joe ran his fingers through the boys hair who leaned into the touch, still crying.

"Was I not good enough i-is that wh-why," Cherry whimpered.

"No, you're way too good, that asshole never deserved you. You're beautiful and strong Kaoru, you're as close to perfection as anyone can get. He missed out, he never ever deserved you"

"B-but what if I never love again...who would love me"

"Th-there are people. Kaoru, I promise"

"Like who," He sniffled.

"In all honesty? You really want me to tell you"

Kaoru nodded, Joe sighed, pressing his forehead to Cherry's. "Me. I'm in love with you, I always have been," He said, Cherry's breath hitching.

"And you didn't tell me!? Dumbass," He sniffled, Joe chuckling.

"What does that mean exactly?," Kojiro chuckled.

"Nothing," He snuggled into him, closing his eyes.

Joe sighed, holding him close. Both boys falling asleep.

Days passed, and Kaoru was back to normal, at least at school. At home he still refused to let go of Kojiro at every given moment, but it was progress. In this time the cherry blossoms began to bloom, and Cherry laid his head on Joe's shoulder with a soft hum.

"What's on your mind?," Joe asked, looking down at him.

"Nothing much, the Sakura's this year are beautiful," He hummed.

"They are, and you fit in perfectly," Kojiro chuckled, earning a soft arm slap.

"Let's take a picture," He took out his phone, taking a photo of both of them with the cherry blossoms behind them.

Happy with the image, Cherry put it as his screen saver. Kojiro laughed and stood up. "Let's head home?"

"Yeah," Kaoru agreed, walking across the bridge that brought them to and from the school gate.

Kaoru stopped a bit, to admire how he reflection of the stunning trees around them looked, before looking at Kojiro who was looking at him. "You know Cherry Blossoms are a form of love, ya?"

"Duh, everyone knows tha-"

Cherry was cut off by Kojiro, planting a soft kiss on Kaoru's lips. It was gentle yet passionate. Filled with a longing that always seemed to be there. Kaoru dropped his skate board and backpack to wrap his arms around Kojiro to embraced him tightly.

Years passed and bickering continued, but nevertheless there was always their spark. Their special spark that they shared with one another. No matter all of their so called hate, they loved each other. It was obvious to everyone around them, the longing stares at one another. And they fought like an old married couple.

Today Joe had closed his restaurant early, and Kaoru joined him on a visit to the Cherry blossoms.

"They're as beautiful as ever"

"Yes, I agree," Cherry smiled softly, reaching out for a branch and holding it softly.

Joe wrapped his arms around Cherry, who blushed and leaned against him.

"I can think of something more beautiful," Kojiro smirked.

"And what would that be?"

"You," Joe kissed up his neck, before kissing him softly.

Cherry scoffed, "you're crazy..."

"You know you're beautiful, what's so bad with me reinforcing it"

"Nothing, I suppose"

"Exactly," He kissed him once more, Cherry smirking in the kiss.

They made it a habit to make a trip and visit the Cherry Blossoms every year together. After meeting Reki, Langa, Shadow, and Miya, it became a group affair. Reki had a ton of fun showing a clueless Langa the Cherry Blossoms, and Cherry and Joe quite liked continuing their tradition of a (couple) kisses under the trees after their first bloom.

It was something that couldn't be taken away from them, and in all honesty Cherry couldn't be more happier that him and Adam broke up before the cherry blossoms bloom. Otherwise, he wouldn't have realized the true love of his life had been right in front of his eyes the entire time. It was a soothing thought that Joe would always be there for him.

Even if they fought and seemingly hated each other, that as just their dynamic, how they worked together.


"Yeah Joe?"

"I love you~"

"I guess I love you too," He softly pushed up his glassed as he sat, down, Joe braiding his long pink hair.

Joe laughed, shaking his head. Kaoru smiled softly to himself, thankful for tradition. For without it, there might have never been a first kiss. Afteral Cherry Blossoms symbolise love, and that's exactly what bloomed that Spring, so many years ago.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2021 ⏰

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