Chapter 2: the backstory

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The next morning I awoke to the sound of my phone buzzing. I sleepily got up and looked at who it was coming from. Nick? At this time in the morning? I groaned and fell back into my bed, holding my phone in one hand.
"What the hell does he want at 6 am?" I mumbled. The day after night missions, we were allowed to come into work at 10. I had only gotten 5 hours of sleep last night, because of the time it had taken to get back to the main building. There had been a bit of a storm, which had caused us to take a detour. I hadn't moved from my spot at the window, looking at the agitated sea below. I got up slowly and headed to the bathroom. I washed my face with cold water, hoping it would wake me up. I quickly got dressed in my shield uniform, not the one i use during missions, my office suit. It was a little more loose and wasn't a cat suit. It was a short sleeved shirt with the shield logo on it, along with some leggings. I have to wear that over my suit, of course. I always needed to have my suit on, in case we encountered a surprise mission. I grabbed my keys and headed for the door. I slumped into my car and turned the key. I drove off to the bundling, as the radio came on.
"Today we are going to be reaching a high of 19 degrees Celsius, along with a bit of wind from the sea." said a monotone presenter.
"Great.'' I mumbled as I switched the radio station. Rubbing my right eye. I got to the compound with a cup of coffee at 7 am, the office was empty but people were starting to arrive. As usual I got stares, since being on the head strike team was quite a big deal. I pressed the elevator button, I pressed the fifth floor and leaned back onto the wall of the elevator. As I lifted my take-away cup to my face, I saw someone get in. They were about to press the fifth floor but they didn't, as I had already pushed it. I wondered who would be going up to the strike team offices at this time of the day. I lifted the cup back up to my face again for another sip. As I brought my cup back down I almost snorted coffee out of my nose. The person who was with me in the elevator was huge! Not like overweight huge but like muscly huge. I thought of all the people on the field teams but no one was that big. When I looked up again, I saw it was Captain America. My jaw almost fell as I realised I was in the same elevator as a legend. I know I had been on the same jet as him just this morning but it felt different here. We were both in our casual clothes, in an elevator, going into the office. He looked at me and cocked his head slightly.
"Do we know each other?" He asked softly. I jumped a little at the sound of his voice, as I had been walking through silent hallways until then. I felt safe by the sound of his voice, but also scared out of my pants. I was tempted to answer no, so that the conversation wouldn't end up being awkward but I knew it wasn't right.
"Yes actually, sir. It is me, Agent Jaylus, from last night and this morning's mission." I say standing up straight again. My back yelled in pain but I knew that I had to act formal towards my boss's boss.
"Oh, I was actually heading to your office to ask you something." He said, smiling gently at me. Just then the elevator door opened. "After you."
I nodded and walked out of the elevator, leading him down to the strike team's offices. The ones right by the elevator were field agent's and their superiors. The ones in the back were strike team's, the further along you went the higher up the status was. I opened the door and invited him in, he put his hand on the door and led me in. Wow, such a gentleman, I was holding the door for him and he straight up held it for me right after. No one was here at this time of the day anyways, so the offices were empty. I walked over to my desk, setting down my coffee and my files. He looked around and took a chair, he placed it in front of my desk and sat down.
"I have a meeting with Fury in 20 minutes, so we have plenty of time to talk about that something you were going to ask me about, sir." I offered.
"Perfect," he said. I sat down at my desk and put my files aside. "I also actually have a meeting with Nick Fury, but in 40 minutes. I guess I got the slot after your's."
"I guess you did, sir." I say as I finish up setting my workplace. I fiddled around with my laptop charger for a while until I finally got it in.
"So, yesterday during the mission, i encountered a few guards." He started, he then looked at my face, as if he were looking for a different expression. I kept a straight face and nodded, my fingers interlaced in front of me. Dang it, he had seen me. I started to mentally prepare myself for the awkward and overwhelming conversation to come.
"I was struggling a little bit," he said in an awkward laughter. "And then I turned around to see all the guards dead on the floor, and someone running around the corner. You were the only one in the same area as me at the time. Was it you?"
I looked around awkwardly, this is exactly what i wanted to avoid. I was getting ready to lie saying I wasn't there when he interrupted me.
"Please answer honestly, if you lie to me I can easily check the cameras." He said, as if he were resorting to his last resources. "I trust you, I really don't have to use the hard method."
"Fine, it was me sir." I said making my shoulders slump down.
"Oh no, it is fine. I wanted to thank you." He said reaching his hand out to me. I eyed his hand as he reached for mine. "Oh my, i am sorry." He said awkwardly, taking his hand back. I blushed slightly, and when I looked up I saw his cheeks becoming red too. I laughed a little bit and he quickly looked up. I kind of had wanted for him to grab my hand, but I knew how unprofessional it was. I was longing to be able to have contact, even if it meant just our shoulders brushing. I looked back down at my hands awkwardly for a bit until I heard him move around in the chair. I looked up and saw him looking at me, as if he were inspecting every feature of my face. He quickly looked down at his own hands again.
"I didn't hear a single shot though, did you not use guns?" He asked. I was expecting that question from him, knowing that he had eyed my swords multiple times.
"No, swords and throwing knives are more my thing, sir. I know how to use a gun but I prefer blades. They are more quiet and they feel better in hand." I looked up again at him, wondering if I should go on. As i looked up though i noticed he was just looking at my face again.
"Please, go on." He said with a wave of his hand. His voice was like a sweet lullaby rocking your worries away.
"You can control everything about the direction and orientation of a blade, on the other hand you can only choose the direction you want the bullet to go. Although blades are short distance weapons, they permit you to exercise more. When you work for shield, you don't go on missions every day so you need to find an excuse to exercise. Practicing using swords and running is always a good excuse. Although I honestly hate running without a goal." I finished. He was looking at my face again, with great detail again.
"Do I know you from somewhere else by any chance?" He asked carefully.
"We crossed each other on a run yesterday actually, sir." I said, shocking myself as the words came out. It had felt like an entire week long already. In two days only i had met Captain america 3 times!
"I knew it." He said, leaning back into his chair. "I knew I had seen you somewhere." I smiled looking down at my fingers again. I suddenly froze, remembering the outfit that I had been wearing. I had been in the tightest most revealing thing ever! Infront to my boss's boss. I smacked my forehead mouthing the word frick.
"Is everything alright?" He asked in a worried voice. My ears suddenly ached a little bit, it hurt to hear his voice like that. Does he actually care if i am ok?
"Yes, don't worry sir." I answer quickly, to make the guilt disappear from my heart. I then realised, was he actually worried for me though?
"You know everything about my background joining shield I am guessing, so tell me about yours." He offered in his sweet, soft voice. I nodded and took a deep breath. My inner introvert started to come up, he was literally asking for me to faint. I usually faint when I get overwhelmed, and being an introvert was definitely not the best combo.
"Ever since I was young I had always wanted to be some sort of fighter. Not like a full on boxer fighter but some sort of ninja. Whenever someone asked me what I wanted to be when I was older I always answered with ninja." I started chuckling awkwardly as I remembered my childhood.
"Not what one would expect." He said in a bit of a laugh.
"Then my parents would come up behind me and say that I actually wanted to be a doctor. After a while I gave in, just so they would stop bugging me. I took gymnastics and whatever martial art class my school had to offer. My grandmother retired from shield a little while after i started middle school, so she was the one to actually tell me about shield. She trained me and taught me everything I needed to know about being an agent. I became very good with a gun, a fake one of course. One day I found some pieces of plastic lying around. After a bit of arts and craft I turned them into my first swords. I practiced everyday, slicing and stabbing at the air. I went up the levels in gymnasts and became more and more flexible. Although once I started high school, my parents made me stop so that I could focus on getting my doctor's diploma. Of course I just found another way to continue getting better, parkouring. I came home many evenings with huge bruises and huge gashes, but I didn't mind. My parents thought they had been taking care of a senseless boy sometimes. They forced me to cover them up with makeup, so I looked attractive to the boys. I would just rub it off when I got to school though, that way the boys and girls stayed away. I didn't have time to make friends, I needed to work hard balancing school and parkour. My grandma gave me my first real swords when i was in 10th grade, she then taught me how to fight, stab and kill opponents. I was learning to be a doctor so I knew all of the vital areas of the human body. A cut just deep enough on the throat is deadly, along as a stab at the front and the back of the head." When I finished my sentence I looked at Steve to see his reaction, he honestly looked a little scared. I laughed a little bit at the way he was giving me concerned looks.
"Having all the knowledge about a human body definitely was a good start to learning how to kill one. I learned how to heal wounds and how to make emergency patch-work to save lives. I learnt how to give someone surgery, and save their lives. My 5 years of being in medic school have served me well. At the same time I was auditioning to be recruited as a shield field agent. They recruited me quickly and gave me the right training, I didn't need much since my grandma had taken care of my training. I quit medic school and used the money I had left to rent an apartment near the shield building. After those 5 years I went back to my parents, they were expecting to see a diploma in my hands. Instead I was holding two blades and a shield tag. I knew what was going to happen since the start so I wasn't shocked when they kicked me out. My grandma brought me sword shopping, and she bought me the blades I still have today."
Although he seemed very interested I was still scared that he would be bored out of his mind. I looked at my watch and realised I had a few minutes until I had my meeting. I quickly got up, scaring the hell out of poor captain America. Who was still dazing at me. I untied my ponytail holding the hair elastic in my mouth as I gathered up my hair again, and tied it back up tightly. I looked around on my desk grabbing the files I needed and my laptop, and then made my way over to the door. Captain america on the other hand was just sitting there, still confused at my sudden jump to action.
"I need to go to my mis-meeting with Nick, you can stay here if you want to. There isn't much to do, so you can go back down to the lounge." I offered quickly.
"Don't worry about me, go to your meeting." He said smiling kindly at me. I ran out, my hand on my collarbone. He had been so nice to me and so caring, did he like me? I shaked the thought out of my head as I entered the elevator. No he is just being polite.

Hi, so this is my first story and I don't know if anyone will ever read this. I am only really posting this to get feedback from people who aren't going to judge me for writing this kind of writing, so feel free to tell me if you like it. If you are reading this right now, thank you very much.

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