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───── ❝ 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆 ❞ ─────
⊱ ────── 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 ────── ⊰

"Han Jisung! For the last time, you're not responsible enough!" He heard his mother yell from the kitchen before letting out a whine, rolling his eyes at his sister, Jieun, who snickered.

"Mom it's literally the biggest party of the school year, if I don't go everyones going to think that I'm a loser!" Jisung fought, eyebrows furrowed as he leant over the back of the couch, glaring at his mother.

"I already found a babysitter to watch your sister while I start working my new job, don't make me tell them that they have to babysit a 17 year old too." She huffed, plating up the pasta for her children.

"Whatever, I'll just sneak out." The male muttered under his breath before getting up and grabbing the plate, carrying it upstairs to his room before slamming the door behind him which made his mother roll her eyes.

"Is the babysitter nice, mommy?" Jieun, who was nearly eleven years old questioned while stuffing her face with the pasta, letting out happy noises and dancing in her chair.

"I think so, I just know that he's 23, his name is Minho and he's a college student, honey." Her mother hummed in response, filling a cup with juice for the little girl.

"Why don't you go get ready, he'll be here soon."

Jisung groaned as he got shot in the video game he was playing, seeing blood filling the screen as he used a sword to slay all the zombies in his view. The blonde laughing when he finally cleared the level that he'd spend hours trying to complete.

After an hour of playing Jisung got bored, deciding to text his friends Changbin and Chan, asking if they were going to the party, them both responding with a short 'yes' as an answer which made the younger huff.

But soon got distracted by the sound of the doorbell ringing, heading out of his bedroom. "Great, It's going to be some 13 year old babysitter just in it for money to buy fucking candy or some shi-"

He froze on the fourth step as his mother opened the front door, revealing a man in his early twenties, the most perfect smile on his face while his eyes crinkled, bowing politely as he entered the home, looking around with a smile. "Your home is lovely Mrs. Han"

"You're too kind," she chuckled before continuing "this is my son Jisung" She gestured to the boy who stood still on the stairs as if he'd seen an angel, well, in his eyes he had. "Jisung? This is the babysitter, his name is Minho. Are you okay?" His mother questioned when the boy didn't answer but, soon he snapped out of his trance. "Oh- Nice to meet y-"

This is when Jisung started to regret ever leaving his room, no, ever waking up this morning, nope scratch that. He wished he'd never been born as he went to go shake the babysitter's hand but somehow managed to miss a step.

Time felt like it was going in slow motion as he tumbled before crashing into the flower pot beside the front door. A faint "ouch" could be heard before Minho rushed to Jisung's side, helping him up, dusting some of the petals off of him.

"Are you alright?" Minho hummed softly, looking concerned which made Jisung want to slap him as he felt his heart skip a beat, being disrupted by his little sister.

𝘬𝘱𝘰𝘱 𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴Where stories live. Discover now