Part 5: Clint

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Part Five

The fifth time there were no little signs, no subtle hints or touches. Barton was injured on assignment and it was bad.

Three days prior, he was paired with a new trainee, Kate Bishop. A miscommunication landed him in ICU unconscious. Natasha seemed to go numb when the staff told her that Clint slipped into a coma.


"Agent Barton's heart rate has not changed, Sir."


"Heart rate is low. Vitals indicate low blood sugar and dehydration."

"Thank you, Jarvis."

Later that evening, when it was quiet, Tony took a stroll to ICU with a cup of tea and a sandwich.

He paused before entering the room, taking in the scene. Natasha held one of Clint's hands in hers, pressing his knuckles to her lips, murmuring something in Russian. Hawkeye looked horrible, bruised and bandaged with tubes running everywhere. Several monitors beeped around them.

Tony stopped a passing nurse.

"Hey, can you tell me if Agent Romanov has slept at all?"

The nurse looked in the room then back at Tony, shaking her head.

"I worked the same shift yesterday and it doesn't look like she's moved, Sir. They took her some food but I don't think she touched that either."


Stark knocked lightly on the door and walked in.

"Hey Kiddo."

Natasha jerked her head up, blinking several times. She was wearing one of Barton's sweatshirts, making her look small.

"I know it's late but Pepper is kinda not talking to me so, I thought I'd come hang out with you. Brought you part of my sandwich." He handed her the cup of tea, took a bite out of the sandwich then gave that to her, too.

Natasha gently put Clint's hand down and accepted the offering with trembling fingers. She took a bite, looking at Tony with those big green eyes. Her pale skin made the dark circles underneath stand out.

"Rogers said you probably weren't eating, so I should check." It was a lie. Tony knew himself that she wouldn't eat or sleep until Barton woke up, unless they made her.

"Thank you," Nat cleared her throat, "I forgot to grab something today."

And yesterday, thought Tony, but didn't voice it.


"I'm not leaving."

Tony shook head, concern etched on his face.

"No, I know. I just thought, maybe, if I stay you'd.... you need to get some sleep. You look like shit." Uncomfortable with sentimentality, he resorted to his usual snarkiness.

She regarded him for a moment, biting her lower lip, eyeing the chair in the corner, then Clint, then Tony again.

"You'll wake me if something happens? If he wakes up?" It pained him to see her look and sound like a lost little girl.

Tony nodded and guided Natasha to the chair in the corner. He made her take a few more bites of the sandwich while he found her some pillows and a blanket. Dragging another chair over to prop her feet, he snuggled her in but she kept both eyes on Barton.

"Close your eyes. I'll be here with him." Tony kissed the top of her head.

She whispered a tiny 'thank you' and obeyed, shutting her eyes. Turning her head into the pillow, Natasha brought her hand to her throat and clutched the necklace she wore. The arrow necklace....with a diamond ring hanging from it.

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