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third person

    HISTORY OF MAGIC didn't make any sense to Florence Davis. It seemed like everything her professor was saying was going in one ear and out the other. Leaning her face on her hand, she let out a tired sigh wishing this class could go by faster.

    "For this next project, we are doing partners!" spoke Professor Binn, but the rest of his words seemed to fade out in the background. It wasn't until Florence heard her name escaped his lips, she snapped back into reality. 

    "Black and Davis."

      Specifically hearing the name of her partner, Florence froze. It wasn't that she had anything against the youngest Black brother, but he was a cute boy and Florence Davis could not talk to cute boys. At all.

    Valentina Whitmore, Florence's best friend, from next to her seemed to notice the panic in her eyes as she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Why do you look so nervous? It's just Black." 

    "Black isn't just anyone," Florence whispered harshly. "He is a cute boy and I cannot talk to cute boys."

    Back in her fourth year, she had been partnered with a cute guy, Benjamin Jenson, and a disaster was an understatement. She had fumbled through her words the whole time and had even spilled ink all over their finished project. After that catastrophe, It was safe to say Florence Davis could not talk to cute guys.

    Valentina's eyes drifted away from her nervous best friend as she observed Regulus for a moment before shrugging. "His brother is hotter."

    Though Florence didn't hear her best friend's statement as her mind was running wild on different ways she might embarrass herself with. "You got this Florence," she muttered to herself before standing up from her seat, moving towards where Regulus was sitting in the back. Swallowing up her nervousness, she plastered on her best polite smile and took the empty seat next to him.

    The fifth year Ravenclaw tried to think of something to say to the boy next to her, but it seemed as if her mind went completely blank. Though she swore she a small amused smile on his face once she glanced at him in the corner of her eye. 

    With that, she was able to muster up a bit of confidence to speak. "So when would you like to meet up for the project?" Her voice was firm and polite, but it was enough for her to silently celebrate in her head for not fumbling over any words.

    "I could do later tonight," Regulus replied, trying not to sound amused. It was quite obvious to him how nervous his partner was and he honestly found it very entertaining.

    Florence only nodded in response, not having the confidence to reply in fear she would stutter this time around. The duo sat in a tense silence after that not having anything else to say to each other. 

    And as soon as the class was dismissed, Florence sprung up from her seat, desperate to leave that awkward situation. She sent her partner a friendly polite smile before departing quickly out of the classroom, not once glancing back.

BEST OF ME, black brothersWhere stories live. Discover now