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third person

IT WAS ONLY until the night before the Hogsmeade trip Regulus decided to think over Florence's offer. We could be friends. We could be friends. Those words repeatedly rang through his head as he stared up at the dormitory ceiling.

For the last five years he had spent in Hogwarts, he didn't have one single friend unless you count the house elves. It wasn't like he didn't want to, he always saw others hanging out with their friends around school and often felt himself yearning to have the same.

To have someone to laugh with until you can't breathe, someone to have late night talks about everything and anything with, someone to care for you.

Sometimes he wondered what would have happened if he had ended up in Gryffindor instead, would he still be Sirius's brother and not James Potter? It felt like just yesterday he was walking by the corridor and had overheard Sirius call James 'his true brother'.

Regulus cried that day.

Maybe if he did end up in Gryffindor everything would be different right now. Instead of being alone in his dorm wondering whether to accept Florence Davis's offer of being her friend, he would be pranking Filch with the marauders.

Letting out a small sigh, he sat up from his bed, still conflicted on what to do. Even if he did accept her offer, what would his parents think? They would never even let him interact with anyone who wasn't a pureblood, so they certainly wouldn't let him befriend one.

But maybe, just maybe it was time to live for himself for once and do what he wanted. Not his parents. Him.

So there Regulus Black was finally deciding to make his first ever friend.

SLIPPING ON her jacket, Florence Davis walked out of the Ravenclaw common room and towards the carriage, a bright smile present on her face while doing so.

This Hogsmeade trip, she was going by herself since Valentina had decided to with some of her friends from Hufflepuff, not that Florence minded though. Valentina was rather a social person and had friends from each house, so it was natural for the girl to split her time individually. Besides, Florence always had treasured her alone time as there was just something so peaceful about your own silence.

Walking down the corridor, she was surprised to hear a familiar voice call her name from behind. Furrowing her eyebrows in confusion, she turned around to face Regulus with a small confused smile.

"Oh hello," she greeted politely, still confused why he was talking to her.

"Davis." he cleared his throat. "I decided to accept your offer of being your friend and going to Hogsmeade with you."

At that statement, Florence's eyes widened as she stared at the Slytherin with her jaw gaped. Never in a million years, she would have expected Regulus Black to accept her offer. It seemed like he absolutely hated her the last time they talked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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