I love ya dei dei!

545 11 4

With tobi.
I got home it was pretty late it was really fun though but I missed Deidara! Which reminds me I should probably call him if I could even find my phone...!

Tobi looked for his phone and found it there's was multiple miss calls

Oh, I should call Deidara back he was probably worried...

Tobi called Deidara

With Deidara
I was just about to fall asleep until I heard my phone ring it was tobi...I declined the call I'm too worried of what he would say I don't know I just don't feel like talking to him I should just ignore him I mean I don't know what I should do I just don't wanna talk to him at all I mean what would I say "yOu aRe WiTh hiM!" I just don't want him to go so I won't talk to him I'm so mad at him though.

With tobi
He really just declined my call...I'm going to try again maybe he didn't mean to I tried calling again but he declined that too...yep he's pissed at me.

The next day with Deidara.
I woke up to my alarm jeez I hate my alarm I'm going to break it sooner or later I went to the bathroom to wash my face off and I remembered what happened due to the red spots under my eyes I didn't think I would cry but it kinda just came out so dramatic well hopefully no one notices it's not too noticeable I don't think so..hm well I better hurry today is going to be a long day I took a shower brushed my teeth and brushed my hair after I was done getting my clothes on I ran downstairs and I was surprised my mom was still here so was my dad my mom was making breakfast I was really happy I never really see them in the same room or even in the house

"Oh hey, Deidara sit down and eat," Deidara's mom said not looking at Deidara but focusing on making the food "thanks, mom! So what's up why are you guys home?" "I mean this is our house?" Deidara's dad replied with a smile "you know what I mean!" "I'm just playing with you well we took some time off because...your mom is pregnant!" "Wait really!?" "Mhm! So we're going to be around the house more well I am." Deidara's mom said Deidara's smile started to fade when he realized something"WAIT YOU GUYS FUCKED!?" Deidara yelled with a disgusted face "Deidara! Language!" Deidara's mom yelled as his dad laughed his ass off Deidara's mom turned around to look at Deidara when he noticed Deidara's eyes "dei dei are you okay!?" "Yeah, why?" "You look like you've been crying!? Are you getting bullied!!!" "Oh no, mom! I'm not it's just there's been a lot on my mind." "Was it that boy tobi last night I noticed you were upset you just ran upstairs not even looking at me or your dinner and when I asked-" "mom it's fine he didn't do anything wrong." "are you sure?" "Yeah..well congrats on the baby I better get to school!" "wait then why were you cryi-"
Deidara walked out of the house avoiding the question.

At school with tobi
I got to school and saw my friends I should probably tell them why I wasn't there yesterday

Tobi walked up to them

It was silent "um hey guys!" "Why did you hurt Deidara? I heard what you did you s-" sasori said about to go off until he got interrupted "woah calm down let him explain first believe me I'm just as mad!" Konan said, "Explain what?" Tobi asked
"Tobi you mind telling us why you didn't come yesterday look I still love you and think of you as one of my best friends but you did hurt Deidara." Hidan said "Oh that's why you guys are mad? And how did you even know I was hanging out with them and why does it matter so much?" "You a-" "sasori! Stop" konan yelled "and tobi who is them? We just saw you with Kakashi?" Kisame said, "OH MY GOSH it looks like I ditched Deidara for him so that's why he's so mad it finally makes sense well where is Deidara?" "We don't know he hasn't come yet?" "Just so you guys know Gaara and naruto were there as well so I didn't ditch Deidara for Kakashi...well not really..whatever just know Kakashi wasn't the only person there!" "Hm well your gonna have to tell that to Deidara he seemed pretty upset when he left." Konan said "oh hm wait that's him! Brb"

With Deidara Deidara's pov
I got to school and the first thing I saw was tobi...great he started coming up to him.
"Hey, Deidara we need to talk!" I started
To walk the other way avoiding him I can't
Talk to him not now I'm too mad.
"Deidara where are you going wait for me!" He said
Following me "Deidara why are you so fast!"
I started walking faster "leave me alone." I said
"Why would I do that?" He ran up to me and grabbed my hand "let go." "No! Tell me what's wrong!" I became silent all I want is for him to let go
I got my hand free and started to walk away
How does he not know what he did wrong yet he's
Acting like nothing happened!? Whatever I just wanna go home I'm excited for the new baby! I'm gonna make Itachi jealous because I'm gonna have the best relationship with my new brother or sister! I'm m sure of it hopefully. I turned and saw tobi he was watching me walk away I turned quickly and started to walk faster away.

In class with Deidara.
I sat next to my best friend sasori and I got out my sketchbook we have Mr. Jiraiya he's always so late so I started to let my hand's sketch not noticing what I was drawing I was spaced out thinking of my new baby sister or brother! Until I heard something
"you're such a simp," Sasori said giggling making me zone back in and saw my paper I drew tobi!? What the hell!? "Shut up I didn't mea-" "oh shut it simp!"
I rolled my eyes and flipped the page I was about to draw something else until the teacher came in I put my sketchbook away and started to focus.

After class still Deidaras pov
I started to walk out sasori started to talk to someone in the classroom he told me to go without him I was kinda nervous but I didn't see tobi...which is good...I think? I started walking down the hallway I was going to my locker that's when I saw tobi..fuck! He saw me and started to walk up to me he seemed pretty serious he stop he was right in front of me I think he's started to get serious I'm not sure what he's going to do next I can't read him.


Deidara just stood there panicking quietly

"Woah slow down tobi I don't know what you just said." "I'm so sorry!" He started to hug Deidara tighter "tobi it's okay I'm sorry for overreacting it's just I saw you at the beach with um Kakashi and I was-" "you were jealous!" "I was kinda not really tho because I'm not the jealous ty-" "lol stop lying you were so mad you looked like Sasori's hair!" Hidan said walking to them "oh shut it before I pay your boyfriend to shut you up-" Deidara said, "he's not my boyfriend!" "Could have tricked me!" Tobi said Hidan started to turn red "what are we talking about over here!" Konan said hoping in the conversation "talking about Hidan's boyfriend!" Deidara said
"Wait you have a boyfriend! Omg, wait aww man I thought you were gonna end up with kakauzu :( "
"Shut up I don't like kakauzu!" "But you guys are made for each other!" Tobi said "WE ARE NO-" "what are you guys talking about Hidan is so red!" Kakauzu joined in "we are talking about Hidan's boyfriend!" Konan replied "what do you mean boyfriend? He never told me he had a boyfriend
Who is he?" "I don't know I just heard something about boyfriend no name!" "I H-"Hidan was about to say something until Deidara interrupted him
"Yeah, what do you think of this kakauzu are you mad upset maybe?" Deidara asked "no...I'm just confused why he didn't tell me that's all." Kakauzu said in a low voice "kakauzu I don't have a boyfriend THEY ARE LYING THEY ARE JUST MAD I SAID DEIDARA WAS JEALOUS WHICH HE WAS!"
Hidan said trying to defend himself  "whatever I'm not jealous!" "But dei you said you were not too long ago!" "Tobi shush!" "You can't just shush him tell me what Deidara said tobi!" Hidan asked
"tobi doesn't want to tell Hidan what Deidara said Deidara would get mad with tobi!" Tobi said talking in the third person. "It doesn't matter what Deidara thinks he was jealous wasn't he!" "I WAS NOT!" Deidara yelled grabbing Tobi's hand and started to run while Hidan followed chasing them.

After school
It was a long day and Deidara was ready to go home tobi couldn't come because he had a lot of homework
They got excused and Deidara saw tobi at the door waiting for him he was welcomed with a hug from tobi "I MISSED YOU!!" "Hm, we haven't been away from each other for as long as your making it look?" "I still missed you!" Deidara smiled "ok well my mom's gonna pick us up!" "Oh yeah I have too much homework for tonight so I have to go home :( " "that's ok we'll just take you home!" "I'm gonna walk with naruto!" "Oh ok! Well, I'll see you later bye." "Byeeeeeee love ya dei dei!" Tobi said making Deidara's heart race he started to turn red without noticing...

𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙢𝙚. (Deidara x tobi) (tobidei)Where stories live. Discover now