"his lavender eyes" -dreamswap dreammare

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"the war between meme squad had always continue ds!dream grew feelings for his "brother " during fight he saw his lavender eyes he thought it was purple the whole time and he finally knew about the balance and he wants to apologize to his "brother" but how he finally had idea he always knew he likes black roses or lavender flowers!"
Ds!dream: " wtf-"
Ds! nightmare: "num num"
So dream went to his secret garden to get his favorite flower the black roses he knew he always have the black roses so he made it like something from valentines, so he now went to meme squad house and he was ready... "DREAM?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!-" nightmare yelled out he was confused but want fight for he has done "Look, Look I know you're mad at me but forgive me for what I have done..." Dream said and hoping nightmare will forgive him and hand him his favorite flowers and nightmare actually forgive him " I forgive you dream..." Nightmare said just blushing and yet again they made trunce ds!ink was dating ds!cross and ds!blue well... Dating ds!error
                                                                                                            ~*one day later*~
Soon enough dream and Nightmare started dating and ds! Dream always steal ds!blue flirts (ds!blue:FUCK YOU DREAM-) which always made nightmare blush dream always love his eyes they're were beautiful a beautiful lavender color and lavender is actually ds!nightmare Favorite color is lavender, dream was thinking about marriage and planning it he already has the ring and has his favorite color.

"Lol the end again always short and not underrated :D"
Count: 272 words

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