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I open my eyes slightly and smile, watching my beautiful wife humming a song while stirring the stew in the cauldron, she takes the spoon and tries the food before dipping one finger and letting Luna lick it. The cat meows softly and Aranel nods, adding more salt immediately... They're both too focused and don't realize I've just woken up from my nap, I remain silent staring at them from the couch and enjoying the heat of the fire... it's snowing out of the cave. Winter has arrived to my fairy tale forest.

We got back home from Ireland some weeks ago carrying all the presents Nemain gave us while the King and Tuatha knights repaired the defences of the underground palace, I highly doubt that Morgan will be able to catch them off guard again and my mom's old friend is also a powerful sorceress with which she won't want to fight now that Nemain knows what to expect from her enemy. The simple plan I drew up worked perfectly... except for one small detail. I wanted to be sure I was sending the fairy far away enough and I gathered too much energy, Morgan vanished the moment I released a ray of blue light but the ice dragon below us vanished too... Fortunately, Aranel's reaction was really fast while we were falling down from a great height, she used the ruby slippers to teleport us to the forest again. As I predicted, Avalon's army collapsed when their leader stopped to control the soldiers and they ran away.

I would've loved to see Merlin's face when his old student appeared in the cave riding a bewildered dragon, I know Morgan got really furious when the wizard reacted automatically casting a spell for the animal to sleep a hundred years, Niniana wrote me to tell me the story: the dragon passed out all of a sudden and the fairy rolled over the slippery dry leaves till falling in the pond. The Lady of the Lake laughed her ass off for some minutes till Morgan walked out of the water yelling and tried to attack her, Merlin had to separate them when they started to pull their hair. I chuckle picturing the scene in my mind but my princess is still focused on the stew and hasn't heard me.

Arthur sent us presents too to thank us for our help, Lancelot brought them personally during the last days of good autumn weather when my dad was visiting us for a week, Aranel's father sent us wine and the first chestnuts in syrup of the season later and we shared them with Luna and Madame Mouse. They've been quiet weeks: we've worked in the garden, resting after so many adventures, enjoying our home... Tranquillity and peace were over when a squire from Avalon showed up bringing a letter and my beautiful wife turned pale while I opened it. Morgan's message was pretty clear:

Well played, Ruby Rose. It's always a pleasure to find an opponent as intelligent as I am, otherwise life would be so boring... Till we meet again, my friend.

PS: Tell Aranel that, if she gets bored of a moody witch like you, I'll be waiting for her to have fun in Avalon.

My wife opened her eyes scared when I read the letter out loud and couldn't help laughing at her shocked face, I know my girl wouldn't change me for that crazy fairy, not in a million years, but I pretended I was jealous and she spent the entire evening showing how much she loved me and swearing she'd never leave me... in our bed. Of course, she's worried about Morgan seeking revenge but I know that won't happen, my old mentor understands that it was a fair fight and she'll remain quiet for a while, planning a different way to annoy the hell out of his brother but I have no intention of getting involved in their family affairs again. In addition to that, the letter came with a peace offering: Morgan sent me the book about oriental magic I saw in her office, the one I was dying to read.

"Come here," I whisper when I notice my wife is moving the cauldron away from the fire so our dinner won't burn. My princess jumps startled when hearing me but she smiles and moves closer without hesitation, sitting on my lap and putting her arms around my shoulders. I look at her closely, my eyes travel from her worn out boots up her long legs to the soft sweater over her chest and her silky hair up in a ponytail. She's still my sweet princess despite she's wearing black pants and is able to kick the ass of an evil goblin. "Are you really happy living in this cave?"

"Of course, why are you asking me that?"

"I'm worried in case you get bored and miss the lively parties of your father's court... If you don't like to live in isolation we could go to my old parents' house or I could rent something in the city..."

"Ruby, we aren't isolated: there's Luna and Madame Mouse, rabbits, pigs, dwarves, fairies, gnomes, dryads, the Tooth Fairy...And we can visit my father in his castle, your father in Silvertown or Daria every time we want... What's the problem?"

"I guess I still can't believe how lucky I am since I have you..." I whisper pouting and my wife kisses my lips softly. "Anyway, changing the subject... We have an unfinished business, you and me." Aranel frowns, confused and slightly worried when she sees me smirking mischievously. "You disobeyed me."

"What are you talking about?"

"I told you to stay in the cave with the King but you ignored my command and walked into the battlefield..."

"But we won and ruined Morgan's plan..."

"But you disobeyed me," I answer harshly and Aranel lowers her head, biting her lower lip. "You could've gotten hurt in there."

"I'm sorry, Ruby." Minutes tick by while I watch her quietly with a straight face and she keeps her eyes fixed on her hands, entwining her fingers on her lap, her muscles are tensed and I can't help smiling in my head.

"I'll let you choose your punishment..." My wife frowns, puzzled by the change in my tone of voice that has gone from angry to husky and sensual. Suddenly, her pale cheeks get beautifully flushed and she nods but remains silent. "Aranel, what punishment do you want?" I ask raising my eyebrow and her cheeks turn even redder.

"Well, you know..." she stutters.

"No, I don't know..." I answer trying to hide my grin. "I need you to tell me..." My princess frowns again, looking at me out of the corner of my eye when she starts to suspect I'm making fun of her but I try to keep a straight face and she sighs, giving up.

"I want the strapon..." she whispers quietly and this time I can't help chuckling.

"You're a naughty princess..."

"Blame it on the witch."


Well, not half bad for a story that started as a one shot and was going to be shorter. Thank you for reading, voting and commenting. See you in my next books!

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