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"I've won! I can't believe this..." I jump from my chair to dance around the table, raising my arms and spinning while the witch keeps staring at the chessboard in disbelief, going over the last movements of the pieces and shaking her head finally.

"Okay, yes, you've won... where did you learn to play chess like that?"

"My dad taught me the basics and I learnt the rest playing against him and the guard captains. I inherited it from my grandfather, according to my mother, because he was a military strategy genius and I used to play a lot when I was a child but later, they forced me to focus on embroidery works and learning court etiquette: playing chess against men, and winning, wasn't considered appropriate for a young princess."

"That's stupid..." Ruby looks at me furiously and drinks the last sip of wine from her glass before pointing at me with her index. "Your parents should've been proud of you and your talent instead of trying to turn you into a brainless doll."

"Some years ago..." I flop down on her lap and my wife puts her arms around my waist immediately. "An embassy from a faraway kingdom arrived to the castle: a prince and his son came from the west along with a fancy dressed entourage and stayed for a few days, they were traveling around several countries looking for a suitable princess to arrange the marriage of the boy and, even if we both were too young, they expected my parents to sign an agreement although the real ceremony would take place years later. He was a wealthy prince and the king thought it was an interesting proposition so he told the guards and aristocrats that they should praise my skills in front of our visitors as often as possible. Someone said that I played chess very well..."

"What happened?" Ruby asks curiously while tangling her fingers in my hair, playing with the longer locks of my ponytail and rubbing my back at the same time.

"The prince said that his son played too and we should organize a game after dinner. My mum shot me her special glare, which meant I'd be in trouble if I dared to mess things up, so I let him win... It's very difficult if you don't want your opponent to notice it, you know, above all when you have to pretend you're good at it, but not that good, while keeping your back straight and remembering the etiquette..."

"Did the guy realize you were tricking him?" The witch's breath fans my cheek when she speaks.

"No, he wasn't that good after all but his father was and noticed it... They left very offended the next day, apparently a chase game is very important in their country and they feel honoured when playing against a smart opponent... They don't care if they lose but letting them win was a serious offense. My mum grounded me and I didn't have dessert for a month."

"I think it was unfair, you did everything you could to please your parents and not hurt the boy's pride, it's not your fault if things worked differently in their kingdom."

"It doesn't matter..." I shrug and put my arms around her neck. "They left without signing a deal and that's why I'm married to you now and can eat dessert every time I want..." My lips meld with my wife's mouth, sweeter than honey, and Ruby's hands hold me tighter... till a knock on the door interrupts us. "Are you expecting visitors?"

"No, stay behind me..." The witch answers harshly but getting up cautiously and I follow her slowly, taking a look over her shoulder, it's getting dark outside but there's enough light to identify the livery of my father's castle that the young soldier is wearing.

"I have a letter for princess Aranel..." Ruby looks at him from head to toe, hesitating, I can feel the tension in her back when she moves a step to one side so they boy can see me but she puts her hand on my lower back and grabs my hair to stop me from getting closer. The messenger extends his arm and I take the envelope without touching his hand.

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