TEN (Aranel POV)

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"Good afternoon, dear, it's a nice day, don't you think? I'll see you later..."

"Eh... yes, of course... Good afternoon..." I stutter watching a big mouse wearing a blue ribbon on her tail sneaking inside the teapot in the garden... I think I've just met our neighbour. I look around bewildered and realize the atmosphere of the forest is very lively today, a family of bunnies runs past the cave entrance very fast and birds are chirping louder than usual, two dwarfs take their hats off to greet me while carrying a wooden plank and a girl with very, very long blonde hair carrying a big basket full of pastries smiles kindly before walking away.

Something weird is going on but I hadn't noticed it because I've been sat on a bench by the fountain in the garden for hours, thinking. Ruby must've realized I wanted to be alone and she stayed in the cave washing the lunch dishes and doing who knows what else while I went from rage to sadness: I still can't believe my father tried to hire witch hunters to kill my wife. He didn't bother to contact me to ask me what I wanted to do, my feelings didn't matter to him, no one has cared about what I think, never... except Ruby... and only in recent times because I don't forget she tricked me into marrying her to piss Malizia off. She behaves different now, she listens to me when I speak, asking my opinion every time we make plans for the next day, she makes an effort to be kind even when she's about losing her temper and trusts me: she let me wander around the forest yesterday, alone for the first time, in order to collect wild thyme. I like this: the cave, the trees, the garden, taking a nap with Luna, embroidering Ruby's shirt while she boils her potions in the cauldron, hugging my witch every night... I'm happy and my father has no right to take control of my life.

"Baby?" my wife calls me snapping me back to reality and I get up, smiling at the robin preening its feathers looking at his reflection in the water, before walking towards the cave entrance.

"Ruby, what's going on? Why is everybody so excited? What's that?"

"Your dress to attend the party," the witch answers smiling amused while I stare at the wonderful ice blue silk fabric embroidered in silver that's on the bed with my mouth wide open. I get closer watching entranced the sparkle of the sapphire brooches that hold the straps on the shoulders and my girl shows me the slippers matching. "They aren't made of glass, I'm afraid, but they wouldn't be suitable to walk through the forest."

"What party?" I ask baffled.

"Aranel, it's the summer solstice... didn't you celebrate it in your kingdom? Babe, are you okay?" Ruby stares at me worried and I nod firmly.

"Yes, of course, we used to organize a big party in the palace gardens. I'm sorry, days go by and they all look the same here, I didn't remember it was the solstice already... It means that we've been living together for months, time flies..." My wife is looking at me slightly perplexed and I shake my head to clear my mind, I'd better pay attention and stop thinking about my stupid father. "I absolutely love my dress, thank you. Tell me, what are we going to do then? Why does everybody look so excited?"

"Forest people gather in the big clearing at dusk, there'll be a massive bonfire, food, drinks and music, we'll dance and have fun. There's also a truce tonight which means fairies won't try to bite us and I'll leave my slingshot at home."

"Sounds good to me," I smile touching the soft silk. "I've just met Madame Mouse and I think she'll attend too, she's said I'd see her later..."

"We're all going, Aranel, I'll be able to introduce you to a lot of people tonight. Let's go, I'll help you to get dressed while Luna polishes her best boots and later I'll ask our neighbour if she wants to come with us on the flying carpet, it's slower than the broom but you won't get dizzy and your hair won't be a mess when we arrive."

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