𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲. guilty consience

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CHAPTER FORTY:guilty conscience — 070 shake

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guilty conscience — 070 shake

CHAPTER FORTY:guilty conscience — 070 shake

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( DARLING, 17 )

     "C'mon, Meredith, Fleur will actually kill you if you're late for the rehearsal. And I've seen her cut chicken at dinner; It's not going to be pretty."

     Right, the wedding.

     It seemed almost laughable that they were having this grand affair of a wedding amidst their dire times, but Meredith supposed that it was a bright ray of sunshine peeking its way through an overhanging of dark and gloomy clouds, a little bit of joy in their lives for a change instead of constantly thinking of the inevitable war.

     Just a few days before, on the 23rd of July, Meredith had received an invitation (flown in by Errol, the long-standing Weasley owl) inviting her to be at their wedding, and that Meredith was to be one of Fleur's bridesmaids. Apparently, due to her Father's meticulous warding of the Darling Manor, they were unable to deliver the invitation any earlier. So, that very day, Meredith had packed her bags and apparated off to the safe zone indicated on the invitation, her father standing in the doorway, arms crossed.

     "Meredith!" A bright and cheery voice had greeted her immediately upon her arrival as she steadied her feet. She may have gotten her apparating licence but that didn't mean that she enjoyed the whirlwind that it took her own every time. 

     "Hermione!" Meredith exclaimed excitedly, promptly dropping the bags in her arms, as she leaped toward one of her greatest friends. The two crashed into one another, engulfing each other in a massive bear hug. Despite their growing distance in their sixth year, Hermione and Meredith were always grateful for one another's company ( "The intellectual and I-actually-care-about-schoolwork kind, Harry." )

     "Ron will be so excited to see you." Hermione continued as she attempted to hoist up Meredith's array of luggage ( "Do you really need this much for a week?" ) and the two girls turned in the direction of the Burrow, "Everyone is a little on edge, what with the wedding and Harry's 17th coming up, but you'll surely brighten up the place!"

𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐎, 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 | DRACO MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now