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For all those who are still here after these many years of me not finishing this fic, I am very sorry to say that I genuinely do not have the time nor energy to finish this but I don't want to leave you hanging entirely and since I've already written an epilogue (long ago), I thought that I would just share it for the sake of closure. Warning, this is a very long and potentially devastating chapter.


Meredith doesn't know what to make of the new Hogwarts. Now the new parish of Hogwarts because of her father, she faces the brunt of some stray Bat-Bogey hexes and Howlers which does no real harm but has her losing her some of her usual cheery and positive nature. However, she is offered some respite when Draco manages to sneak out of Malfoy Manor to visit her and she finds a newfound spark of determination to do something about their situation.

Meredith, Ginny, and Neville then decide to gather Dumbledore's Army again to form a resistance against the new regime. Many are hesitant about her at first and continue to shun her but she is not deterred and perseveres to protect the students of Hogwarts against the Carrows.They eventually apologise to her for their behaviour and they continue to train together to fight.

Months pass and there is no news from anyone save for Potterwatch. No news from Ron, Hermione, Harry, Luna, or even Draco. Silence. Christmas passes by and while Snape has banned celebrations, Dumbledore's Army hosts their own little celebration in the Room of Requirement.

Blaise and Daphne have noticed that Meredith has been drifting from them and disappearing at odd times so they confront her about it. Deciding to trust them, she invites them to a DA session and while the rest have many protests and are mad at her initially, the two Slytherins soon become a part of the family.

As winter passes and spring breaks through, she receives a note from Draco after months of silence. The note is desperate and begging for her to come meet him on the outskirts of Malfoy Manor. While she knows that it's very dangerous, she wants to protect him so she races down to Hogsmeade and apparates there. She is greeted by Draco who looks more sickly than ever but there is a distinct deadness behind his eyes; he tells her that they had captured Harry and his friends but they managed to get away so Voldermort had punished his family. He confesses that even though he knew it was Harry, he didn't tell them. He tells her that the Draco from his fifth year would have identified Harry for the Death Eaters in fear of the consequences but he had changed since then. He claims that it's because of Meredith but Meredith refutes it and claims that she knows that the goodness was always within him.

"People don't start out good or bad, kind or evil. We grow into it because of the people we are around, the situations we are put in. What is most important is that we continue to change and be better."

They hold each other quietly until the sun comes up over the hills and Meredith has to return to Hogwarts.

It's the First of May. Neville has returned to Hogwarts with the trio. Meredith discusses with Blaise and Daphne about recruiting the Slytherins to help their side of the war but they are hesitant because most of them have parents who are Death Eaters. She and Neville then rally the Army and they join the Order in the Great Hall. Meredith is excited to see Fred and George again and hugs them tightly, almost reluctant to let go.

For a moment, everything seems as if it's normal but there is a somber atmosphere as they acknowledge that they are about to enter the final fight. Voldermort announces that he wants Harry Potter and Pansy declares that they should give him up but everyone steps up to protect him, even Blaise and Daphne.

𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐎, 𝐃𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 | DRACO MALFOYWhere stories live. Discover now