Lazy Rebirth

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A flash of lightning lit up the heavens before a large wail of thunder clashed in the skies shaking the earth with its wrath. A young boy slept soundly and quietly looking peaceful in his slumber. The raging winds and rain hit the windows causing the trees to sway making terrifying shadows upon the hardwood floor of the room, yet someone was unaffected.

The boy frowned deeply with closed eyes.

Yuuma was expecting warm morning sunbeams to cascade his body in a bundle of warmth just like what the weather app said yesterday with a 100% guarantee.

That was okay though, Yuuma liked when there wasn't any sun to blind his eyes. Giving his joints some clicks and pops he melted into his covers and decided to sleep once again.

But something wasn't right.

If Yuuma remembered correctly his bed was only a small twin-sized bed with barely any width to it. Yet when he rolled over a few times he still had room and didn't fall off. The way his room echoed from the rain sounded like he was in a much larger space. And finally, when the raindrops hit the window it wasn't just his one simple window, it was multiple on his right side.

Yuuma only had one window. His room wasn't very big. His bed wasn't this large. And he could've sworn he went to bed naked due to being too lazy to put his clothing on before inevitably passing out.

Yuumas had got his hand stuck in his sleeve and started to lose circulation but he didn't move. His eye twitched and his nape hairs stood up. He opened his eyes barely an inch and knew immediately that he wasn't in his room.

With a heavy head, he slumped forward with no expression and thought of all the possibilities for this reason. While thinking he scanned the room halfheartedly. It didn't seem like the room was very modern almost like the room was stuck in time of an old period around the 1800s or so. Yuuma removed his covers that felt like a haven of warmth but no matter his woes he knew this wasn't the time.

The room was dim only lit by the gray storm which means it was day probably around morning time. Yuuma brought his nail to his lip expecting to chew on it but unexpectedly, he looked down, his hand was small.

'Did I ever have such a small hand?'

Yuuma blinked dazedly and clenched his hand into a fist before slowly unclenching. He hummed and stretched his legs off the corner of the bed. His legs were also shorter and he wore a white gown like a dress. With a thud, his feet hit the wood flooring and began walking around the room stiffly.

There wasn't a speck of dust in the room which showed it was cleaned with care. Yuuma found a full-body mirror behind a folding screen used for privacy when dressing and looked at the cute kid before him.

Yuuma gazed at the mop of black bedhead hair adorning the child's head, the boy's purple jade eyes that encaptured anyone looked back leisurely, and his plump rosy cheeks that screamed to be pinched puffed out pridefully.

'Huh, I don't think it's natural to have purple eyes...'

A moment of pen drop silence washed over the room. Even the weather seemed to agree with whatever Yuuma was going through and no longer raged ravenously upon the land.

If you listened close enough you could hear the moment breathing froze and a soul screaming with complicated emotion.

Yuumas eyes had gone wide like deer stuck in the headlights.

His heart thudded upon his chest in a series of disbelief.

For the first time, he had no answer for what was occurring. He didn't know where he was, didn't know who he was. All he wanted to do was go back and cuddle in the covers like this hadn't happened at all.

He would wake up as Yuuma Bashwater, not as Yuuma Oxblood.

Yuuma Oxblood.

A silent gasp left Yuuma and it suddenly occurred to him that he was a seven-year-old heir to the Oxblood family, with a status comparable to a duke on Earth. Yuuma Oxblood was a haughty boy who thought he was better than everyone else because he was an entitled rich kid bathed in praise since birth. His accomplishments were his adorable looks and that's about it. . .

He was terrible in his studies and when he tried to hone his swordsmanship he would get angry and scream at his instructor. He wasn't nice to the maids or anyone below his status but bootlicked and sucked up to anyone above him. Secretly he had thoughts of becoming the most powerful person in the world and making everyone kneel before him. Abusing his position with his egotism and self-importance with a sense of superiority that outmatched even adult nobles raised in the same environment. Getting everything he asks for too which didn't help this boy.

Yuuma scowled in disgust. How could a kid become the embodiment of immodesty?

The ones who raised the little demon of course.

Sighing helpless Yuuma kneeled on the floor going through all Yuuma Oxblood's memories, it was like watching a movie. This wasn't him just some kid's life that he saw through. Yuuma wondered why he was suddenly not on his planet, in a complete fantasy world, with magic. He knew of novels read for enjoyment that had things such as reincarnation and transmigration, he had read quite a few randomly.

Maybe he was sent here to fix this kid's behavior? That wouldn't make sense though because he is the kid. What could the reason be? The reason...reasons...reason.

It was then that Yuuma felt the burden of living as someone other than himself. Until he can figure a way back to his old self he was stuck. It almost felt like a lost feeling, lost in a world of the unknown with a kid's memory to base everything off of.

Yuuma stood up, took a deep breath, looked in the mirror at his new self, and grinned bitterly.

He knew deep down he may have overslept, maybe he skipped a few meals, refused water, and maybe he knew full well what that lead to. Death.

Yuuma pinched his chubby cheeks with his little hands looking at his actions within the mirror.

"Oh Yuuma, maybe this is for the best," he whispered dolefully.

With those last thoughts, Yuuma looked to the door. He should have a few more minutes before maids come to disturb him. He could do something productive, maybe start reading books and gather knowledge of this world. He could become a good successor to his parents and show his siblings a real leader.

Of course, Yuuma did exactly what he would do.

He jumped into his covers curled into a ball and let the world drown around him.

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