Lazy Demon Fight

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Laying down on a mattress on the floor, with who knows how many people have...passed away on, Yuuma was wide awake. His fingers thoughtlessly played with a string of fabric he had found somewhere on the floor. The good part was he had his own room, the bad part is he could still hear Kenji's snores in the room next to him. But the even worse part was that infuriating delicious smell. He lay rigidly tight like a totem pole hanging on by sheer will to not run out of this room and eat that dying person!

This could be the first sleepless night he's ever had...

Cold sweat gathered along Yuuma's skin from the internal battle with himself to stay put. When the smell seemed to enhance he heard a familiar voice.

[Eat! Hurry!]

His heartbeat accelerated and with a struggle realized his body wasn't listening to him and was moving without his permission. This dragon! Yuuma cursed.

"Go away," he growled roughly strained from hours of internal battles. Even so, the thing didn't go away and he had already opened the door leading out into the hall. Traveling step by step the scent grew more appetizing and before long he was standing at the end of the bed.

Bandages covered the sickly chared human, coal-like substance covered their skin as if burnt in a furnace. The bandages couldn't cover all the horror. There was no breath, Yuuma realized. The chest of the person didn't move and with keen hearing, didn't hear a single thump of their heart. He lifted a hand to inspect the skin under the bandage but then stopped, he had control of himself again. He bitterly wanted to slap the head of the dragon he was left to share a body with.

A low hungry growl embarrassingly came from Yuuma's stomach.

He sucked in a sharp breath and right when he was going to touch the bandage upon the person's forearm a low gurgling sound came from their chest. Yuuma immediately reacted and skidded away without a thought. Red blistering eyes stared into his own. Upon their head, large thorns grew from the skin. That certainly looks like the picture definition of a demon.

If there are demons where are the angels? Yuuma sarcastically rolls his eyes but licked his lips. If it's not human Yuuma wouldn't feel bad in indulging in...a small bite, he hoped the demon wouldn't mind.

Before Yuuma could even take a step he was interrupted by a loud shrill scream. That then started a chain reaction and all the patients all became a symphony of horrored feedback. Yuuma looked back in forth as the field hospital came alive again with nurses and doctors alike pushing him as they rushed by to restrain the 'demon' who appeared to be having a seizure with rough convulsions of its body jerking crazily around. They didn't seem to know that it was a demon.

What Yuuma knew at the moment though was, his meal was being restrained. He gripped his fist and sighed deeply. Okay, he'll eat that- person- thing- demon- whatever the heck it is! Resigned to his fate he clapped loudly.

The nurses and doctors instantly jerked at the sound and looked in his direction.

"Get all the injured out of this room and block it, this person is turning demon." The professionals all looked shocked and now finally looking at the thing they were restaining let out screams and some even ran out, not even getting the injured out. Luckily some people were kind enough to help Yuuma escort the bodied people out quickly.

"Um, sir are you not coming?" A confused doctor asked.

"No." And then Yuuma shut the door in their face. Now that the room was barricaded he glanced at the demon that was in a fiend calm state.

Yuuma swallowed drool and noticed his skin started to sprout strange black tuffs of fluffy hair. It felt like bunny fur. So this is the dragon? In a state that isn't enraged Yuuma felt the world become just a little clearer.

Wait...what the hell- Yuuma grabbed the thing at his back- a fucking tail? Fluflly lizard tale!? What is he gonna sprout wolf ears next!? Unfortunately no he didn't sprout wold ears, instead, velvet horn grew.

"GRRRAAAAAAA" The thing on the bed suddenly bolted up and divulged in a deep animalistic roar.

Yuuma concerned for his own dragon furry form had been thinking too deeply of his Pokemon evolution status, hadn't yet considered what he was to do....well he's thought of the conclusion. The demon will be his snack.

The demon and him made eye contact, the ugly thing snared as if he was a piece of gum stuck to its shoe.

'What bullcrap, looking down on me, wait until I make you a skewered kabob.'

Heat flared in his chest and although not sure what it could be, he wanted to get it out. Yuuma opened his mouth and a huge purple flame came out- wtf.

The flame burned the floorboard and half the demon's body, it roared and finally took action seeing Yuuma as a threat.

The demon congealed some black thing in its palm and started to shoot it at him. Having to exert energy wasn't ideal for lazy Yuuma and with a swipe of his palm sent the black things into the ceiling. Instantly they exploded and debris came down.

Yuuma doesn't necessarily know what's going on...he used some form of wind magic? Shoot purple flame out of his mouth? And summon purple flame? Fortunately, the fight ended with the demon becoming a fried kabob- quite literally- a large pipe thing from the ceiling impaled it, and his flame made it extra crispy.

Not wanting to let the meal become cold he bit into the flesh.

It was delicious! The best thing he's ever tasted in his whole life. It was too addictive in fact, he ate the whole demon, bones in all.

Licking his greased fingers and sucking on a leftover bone he somewhat came back to his senses after the food coma high. He was tired and very satisfied. An odd vibration rumbled through his chest in delight and leaned against the wall cradling his belly, he began to doze off.

Suddenly Something warm caressed his hair edging him to sleep.

"Yuuma," they called and he slightly sobered opening his out-of-focused eyes just a slit.

"That was a cute display you showed, can I tame you with demons?" They chuckled and Yuuma whacked their arm in annoyance. Stupid Sadao, now that I've eaten a demon who says I won't eat you next?

A/N- so happy we hit 100K tysm for those following this story thus far

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