Lazy x1

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It was too hard to get up so Yuuma stayed put. A gentle breeze from an open window occasionally lapped his face making him frown in discomfort. It was night outside probably around five in the morning with some birds frequently chirping as if to mock the ones still sleeping.

He would be making his third attempt soon to stand up, it was challenging but not impossible. Yuuma's brain was in shambles, confused and irritable as ever can be. Why wouldn't he? Everything was so confusing it was like some God wanted to mess with him! He was confused on what's real and what's fake or if maybe this whole time it's some elaborate dream and he's actually dead. No scientific reason could quell the bubbling questions but the phycology itself. Maybe it's true that he really has gone insane while tricking his conscience that he's sane but really is not?

Too many thoughts ran mad, Yuuma wanted to throw up blood! Pick a side! Modern era or fantasy era tch!

Still, his body was really sore aya.

He knows from context clues that the Yuuma in this fantasy world has been in a coma for ten years and is most likely being preserved with magical barriers. His body held shape and just like any normal grown up body, he's a seventeen-year-old boy, an adult in this world.

Yuuma grasp for breath and used the friction of the spring below the bed and shot his torso up hearing a few clicks and pops from unused bones. The sound made him cringe but he held firm and grasped the edge of the bedding swinging his legs off the bed and away from the blankets. Yuuma breathed in heavy gasps like he had run a mile and hadn't had a break. This was the most exertion he's ever done in the past year or so.

He closed his eyes almost complying with the wishes to rest but only gently shook his head. His feet touched the ground without any noise and somehow he wobbly stood up. He took each step slowly and managed to the window seal where he carefully placed the strawberry candy and propped the window to a close. Just then his stomach growled wishing for food, he rubbed it to appease the hunger and took a small energy break before gathering his wits and going to the bathroom. He lifted a water bucket and cupped the droplets drinking from his palms like nectar, he never knew water could taste so fresh!

With a satisfied sigh he stood up popping his joints as he did so, the room was dark so he couldn't see himself anymore in any of the mirrors and didn't plan to for now. Yuuma went back to the bed reluctantly, a new raw wave of tiredness hit him like a tsunami, and was out in only a matter of seconds.

A faint sound woke him from his light sleep, he could hear soft footsteps come into the room and the quiet close of the door. Yuuma glumly opened his eyes and turned his head to the unknown person, two pairs of eyes clashed and the room seemed to freeze.

A man with salt and pepper hair with a few extra wrinkles stood in Yuuma's view, it was Kenji.

He seemed to be looking at a dead person in horror, Yuuma had never seen him show such an expressive facial expression.

Kenji blinked and then blinked again like he couldn't believe what was before his eyes.

"Kenji, I'm here." With just those words Kenji broke away from thoughts and slowly approached him, Yuuma could even see subtle tremors of his hands. Yuuma sat himself up blankets dropping to his thighs. Kenji's hand was then clasped with his shoulder and a question mark popped out of his head. Kenji was really acting strange, is he ok? A sudden warmth embraced Yuuma and his face was shoved in Kenji's chest.

At first, Yuuma was confused but then conflicted at his warm action, he hadn't remembered him and Kenji being very close. But then again it had only been two months for him and ten years for Kenji, many things have probably changed. Maybe the iceberg butler finally melted after so long.

"Are you married? Do you have kids now?" Yuuma found himself mumbling questions while propping his chin on his shoulder and patting Kenji's back in comfort.

"Were you sad that I was away?"

Kenji had been silent this whole time Yuuma was wondering if the man had become mute! But then suddenly Kenji pushed him away holding his shoulders firmly and they both had a staring contest, Kenji skeptically examining him, Yuuma did the same.

"Why would I be sad? Who is sad that they don't have to work!" His voice was hoarse and Yuuma could clearly see the layer of glossy tears glaze his eyes every time he blinked. Yuuma didn't know why his throat suddenly clogged up and it was hard to breathe.

Before long a warm liquid trailed down his cheeks and Kenji cupped his face wiping the liquid away. Yuuma couldn't believe it! He was crying! He lifted his smooth jade fingers and pushed the tears away, he felt like hiding, he hadn't cried since he was little, why cry now?

"A seven year old in such a big body how will you cope?" Kenji sighed helplessly but his words held mockery and Yuuma sent a sharp glare his way. It was kind of true, he probably thought he was still seven...

"I'm seventeen not seven don't think my brain hasn't developed, get me food I'm hungry!" In a rush of emotion, he pushed Kenji out the door and closed it leaving him with an order. When the door closed and the room became silent he released a heavy sigh.

"Tch I should have retired."

Yuuma didn't know if it was just his ears playing tricks with him but he heard Kenji's silent wish before a sniff of long held back emotion was heard and rushing footsteps a moment after.


Scared A/N- Why do I feel like people will start shipping the butler with Yuuma-

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