first non anime

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Bottom (means one of them)
Top (means the other)
The top and bottom live together, they both go to college. The top goes to college for law enforcement and bottom goes for fashion (like doing designs, swing etc.). What the bottom dont know how kinky the top is. The bottom does hes college from home and the top goes to the college and comes home around 5pm. The bottom and every artist. On Wednesday moring, bottom promise top that the design that the bottom os working on that the bottom didnt finish last night. After the top left the bottom when back to bed like normal, the bottom wake bavk up at 9am and get to work with the design but the bottom didn't do the design cuz the bottom was trying to the design and find other design. The bottom kept looking at other design that the bottom forgot about the bottom own design so about 4:59 witch the top will be home any minute. The bottom realize the time and see that he didn't finish the design so the bottom close the SketchBook and act like he finish. When the top go home the bottom was looking at other design. The top and bottom talk about their day later that night the bottom tryed to finish the design cuz he lied to the top. The top called for the bottom so the bottom put the book back and forgot to close it. The next day in the Moring the top didnt wake up bottom cuz he saw the book open and it wasn't finish so he let a note saying something about they need to talk.

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