clearing the way

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If his Papa saw the way he was dragging his feet against the pavement, he'd surely have something to say to the tired nineteen-year-old. As it was, Peter was exhausted. He had been patrolling too late last night, only remembering last minute about a big English test, and raced home to cram. Tony was always telling him to develop better study habits, and focus more on school than Spider-Man. And it really had worked for a while. Rhino had put a bit of a dent in that (pun unintended).

The first thing he did when he got home was head to the kitchen. Steve insisted on having a fruit bowl set out on the counter because Peter inherited Tony's poor eating habits when his mind was elsewhere. Having it there was rather convenient, however, and Peter wasted no time taking a large bite out of an apple. All Peter planned for the rest of the afternoon was to sleep. Do his homework after, of course, and then head out to patrol for the night.

Things settled into a comfortable routine in the years following him getting bitten by a radioactive spider. Neither Steve nor Tony had taken the news well that their teenage son was the one swinging around New York City in spandex. In fact, Tony had taken Peter's suit away once they learned. It didn't stop him, though, and he snuck out of the house later that night and took down Vulture without either of them knowing until after the fact. The beach catching on fire because of a downed plane wasn't as easy to hide.

Peter remembered fondly of his Dad giving him his first Spider-Man suit. He didn't wear it anymore, so Tony hung it up in the same room as all his old Iron Man suits. With that suit came his lovely AI Karen. Even now, when Peter made his own suits, he always made sure to add her. Peter didn't upgrade her as often as Tony did with JARVIS, and later FRIDAY, but she was always nice to have around. If the incident with Rhino was anything to go by, Peter was thankful for her emergency protocols.

He'd only stepped one foot into his bedroom when his phone suddenly buzzed in his pocket. Patting at his pockets, it took him a minute to realise it was his self-dubbed Spidey Phone ringing. Him and Yuri had only been working together a few months, and she was still, understandably, a bit wary of him yet. But even she knew he wouldn't be out in his suit until later. If she was calling this early in the afternoon, it had to be for an emergency.

"Hey, Yuri. Where's the fire?" Peter answered, taking another bite of his apple as he dropped his backpack onto his bed.

"We finally have enough evidence to lock up Fisk for a long time," Yuri answered. Peter choked a little on his apple at her blunt statement. "If you want to help, I suggest you head to Fisk Tower now."

"Thank you, Yuri! I'm on my way now."

Throwing his apple in the trash, Peter struggled a minute with getting his suit on quickly and heading out the door. He passed by Steve and Tony in the living room, who both look surprised by Peter rushing by in his suit. Tony opened his mouth to ask, but the front door was slammed close before he could even get anything out.

Peter didn't waste any time and quickly swung his way in the direction of Fisk Tower. Excitement ran through his veins at the prospect of finally getting Fisk off the streets. Spider-Man and Fisk have been enemies since roughly a year after Peter first donned the suit. At first, his dads had been hesitant to let their young son handle such a big New York presence. Although, if the Vulture takedown had proven anything, it was that he could easily hold his own. Fisk was a big challenge, and he always escaped whatever plan Peter had come up for his capture. Both legally and physically (Fisk ended up being a big reason that Peter made his webbing stronger, not that he would admit it).

Police sirens increased in volume as Peter swung closer. Yuri herself was even on scene, shooting whatever of Fisk's crew stood around the outside shooting at the cops. Yuri looked up and saw Spider-Man swinging towards the building, and since she wasn't yelling at him to do otherwise, Peter made his way inside.

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