A Life That's So Demanding

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"Hey Ray?" Frank yells across the house.

"Yeah?" Ray yells back.

"Is Gerard home?"

"No, he's out with Mikey."

Well fuck. "Okay, do you know where we keep the first aid kit?"

"Yeah, why?" Ray asks, his voice getting closer. Frank hears footsteps running upstairs. "I'm getting it right now, where are you?"

"My room," Frank says. A few seconds later, the door swings open. Ray stands there with the first aid kit.

"What did you-" Ray stops talking abruptly when he sees the blood smeared across Frank's wrists. "Frankie... Um, let's go to the bathroom to wash that."

Frank nods and follows the taller boy to the bathroom. Ray sets the first aid kit on the counter, and then turns on the sink.

"Give me an arm," Ray says. Frank slowly puts his arm near the sink, seeming a bit frightened of Ray. "It's okay, Frankie. I'm not mad, just give me your arm."

Ray takes Frank's wrist once it's closer, and begins to gently wash the wound out.

"Other arm," Ray says. Frank lets him do the same to the other arm. Finally, Ray grabs a fluffy hand towel, and softly dries off the water, before grabbing the bandages from the first aid kit. He wraps them around Frank's cuts, making sure to be careful.

"Better?" Ray asks. Frank nods with a smile. He puts his arms out for a hug. Ray gladly pulls Frank into a bear hug, holding him tightly and letting them slowly sway back and forth for a few minutes.

As Frank stands there, he breathes in Ray. Even though the moments leading up to it weren't the greatest, he wants to enjoy this. Frank loves everything about the taller boy, so he wants to remember this. The feel, the emotions, Ray's curls falling on top of him, and the quiet sound of Ray's breaths.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Ray finally asks softly. Frank nods before pushing his face further into Ray's chest. "Do you... It's late. What do you wanna do, sleep? Watch TV?"

"I wanna stay here," Frank says quietly, his voice muffled by Ray's chest.

"Okay," Ray says, his voice barely above a whisper. Frank's breath begins to become shakier and his bottom lip quivers. Ray pulls him closer, and feels something wet against his shirt.

Frank's crying.

He lets out a sob, and his whole body convulses as he does. Ray rubs small circles on Frank's back to try and help calm him down, but Frank continues to sob.

"I'm- I'm s-so sorry..." Frank chokes out.

"Why?" Ray asks.

"Y-You shouldn't've had to- to help me, you sh-shouldn't have to worry a-about me."

"Frankie, it's okay. I don't mind helping you, it's okay, I swear."

"B-But it's not!"

"It is. Frank, just breathe, it's alright. I love you so much, and I care about you. It's alright. Just take a deep breath, you'll be okay."

Frank nods again, but continues to sob. Ray waits to say anything again until Frank's sobs die down to a whimper.

"Frank?" Ray calls softly.

Frank sniffles. "Yeah?"

"Wanna go watch TV or something?" Ray asks.

"Y-Yeah. I wanna watch cartoons."


"Yeah," Frank says as he begins to pull away. Ray keeps him close though, draping and arm around him. They walk down the hall and downstairs together, and Ray makes sure to keep the smaller boy close.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2021 ⏰

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