A random guy

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Hello, i'v been obsessing over this story after the idea popped into my Head.
So i decided to just go for it, i haven't planned everything yet, but i'll just take it as it comes.
Anyways enjoy...
You were walking down the main road, with headphones blasting disney music in your ears.

You had just moved to japan from europe, so you had absolutely no idea where you were.
But that's how you always did it:" haha..."
you softly chuckled at your carefree behaviour.
Walking wherever your feet took you was just like you.
You didn't care if you didn't know, where you were or where you were going.

But it was getting late and you were totally lost.

You had begun looking more carfully, to see if you could spot another human being.
Who hopefully, knew where they were, better than you did.

"You stumbled" over what seemed to be a crooked tile in the sidewalk.
Dammit! You thought to yourself. Dammit, dammit, DAMMIT!
You were falling. Undoubtedly, falling.
No matter what you did, you wouldn't be able to stop the fall.
Then "bam" you rampeld into someone...
You looked up.
You were gazing into a pair of clear and cold, blue eyes.
The guy had jetblack hair and some weird marbled skin under both eyes, under his mouth and all the way down to under his collorbone.
But for some reason, you thought: damn this guy's HOT!

"You looked around"
Not a single soul.
He's your best option right now,
Your brain said.
Here goes, you thought:" I'm so sorry mister" you began.
"No response" you continued:" so.. ehmm... you see i'm kinda lost and i was wondering" you said:" if you could maybe tell me were i am."

He literally walked right past you, as if you had said nothing.
That's really rude, you know!
A little louder this time you asked:" exuse me sir but, could you please tell me where i am?"

"He just kept walking"
Ignored. Again!
"You looked around once more"
Fuck it, "you shrugged"
Then you walked after him.

The both of you walked in silence, you a few steps behind him.
He turned down an alleyway and so did you.
After awhile he turned around, clearly annoyed:" what do you want?" He said in a voice that stated" btw, i don't give a shit"
:" directions!" you said:" I don't know where i am."

" He sighed":" that's not my problem!"
Then he turned around once again walking off, this time faster.
He turned down another alleyway and when you finally made it there, he was gone.

This guy's atitude is starting to piss me off, for real!
You turned and started walking back to the main road to find another
" less rude" person to ask
directions from.

And here i'd thought that japanese people, were all nice and friendly...
Guess you really shouldn't listen to your teacher.
So much for school.
Your train of thoughts were interupted by three "not nice looking" guys, who were slowly aproching you.

You knew what kinda guys they were and one thing was for sure
"they weren't just here for your money"
Ohh SHIT! You thought.
No, they were here for something completely different and far more disgusting.

"You started walking backwards"
But the three guys were almost surrounding you.
You knew all the things you had to do in a situation like this, but you also knew that you would never allow yourself to do it.
One reason: your PRIDE!

:" hey there chick, you lost or something?" One of the guys asked.
LIE! Your brain said to you, you lied:" no, i was only out walking before dinner."
:" and is someone making that dinner for you?" Another of the guys asked.
Calm down!
:" yeah, my parents." Then an idea struck you:" they are expecting me home soon."
PLEASE! Let this work.
:" and they're pretty strict! so i better get home, before they start calling the police." Then you added:" Parents am i right"

The guys just kept getting closer,
until the guy right in front of you, also the first one that had spoken, grabbed your wrist.
I'm not pro but i did go to karate back in europe!
"You kicked the guy in his balls.
Then you stepped in the oppsit direction of the hand he grabbed you with and pulled your own hand forcefully toward you, you remembered to lay the most presure, were his thump and other fingers met."
You were free!
:" YOU BITCH!" He yelled.
But unfortunately now the two other guys were even closer.
Close enough to touch you.
I'm screwed, i'm so screwed!

Suddenly someone was standing behind you.
It wasn't one of the guys tho,
because you could see all three of them.
A hand came into your line of sight,
it was large and you concluded that the person behind you was a man.

Then you saw it, "the marbled flesh" and you knew in an instant who it was.
It's the rude guy from before!
The hand was now covering your eyes and pulling you toward him, but for some reason, you only thought:
This is Comfortable, i'm safe now!

One of the guys who'd tried to attack you spoke:" what the hell man, she's our pray go find someone else!"
PRAY! seriously?
Who'd this guy think he is!?
The guy from before spoke in an ice- cold voice:" people like you disgust me."
" you shuddered"

Wait i can't go around calling him the guy from before, that's going to confuse even me!
You thought for a second.
Then your mouth grew into a quiet smile:
RANDOM GUY! I'll call him random guy!

Your thoughts were once again interrupted, but this time by an agonizing scream.
It was one of the three guys.
Another one of them broke out in the same painfilled scream, and then the third one.

You heard a "thump" followed by two more.
You realized it was the sound of their body's hitting the ground.
Another arm dipped down and wrapped around your waist.
Then you felt your feet leave the ground and random guy began walking.

The sound of footsteps stopped and you felt ground under your feet again.
Both hands were removed and you could also see again.
Random guy was standing right infront of you.

"The two of you stood in silence for awhile" you wondering why in the hell, he'd bothered to save you.
And god knows, whatever he was thinking.
"You chuckled and tilted your head slightly"
:" sooo~" you hummed:" are you going to tell me were i am, now?"
His expression changed from unreadable to...
Somthing that almost looked like that, he was internally facepalming himself.

"He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck with one hand"
:" if you continue down this alleyway" he started:" then turn down the third alleyway to your right."
Even his voice sounds hot!
No, no, snap out of it brain.
:" and then you keep walking till you reach the main road, there should be a store with lights on."
He began walking toward the darkness of the alley.
:" go ask your directions there." He added over his shoulder.
Then he was gone.

You stood there for a moment, completely consumed in your own thoughts.
Why'd he save you, when he wouldn't even give you directions?
Was there a reason he'd covered your eyes?
What happened to the guys who'd attacked you?
Your curiosity got the better of you, and you went back to the place, were you last saw them.

When you turned around the corner, you froze.
All three of the guys were lying on the ground in a rather, uncomfortable position.
Thier cloths were burning and to your surprise, with blue flames.
"You went closer"
Each one of them had, had their face burned almost completely off.
And it stank!

"You grabbed the closets guys arm and took his pulse.
He was dead, and if he was dead, it was very much, very likely that the two others were too.
You -for the 117 time- turned around, And walked back to the alley random guy had disappeared in.

You made it to the main road and true enough, there was a store with lights, still on.
It was located on the other side of the road one block away.

You went inside:"
hello, is there anything i can help you with?"
A friendly looking, older woman asked.
:" actually yes!" you said, with a smile:" do you perhaps know were i am?"


"You flopped onto your bed with a sigh and rubbed your face against your pillow."
It had been a long day.
The friendly woman at the store, had been a great help.
You'd also bought a sandwich from there, as dinner.
When you had gotten home you'd taken a bath, a very long bath.
"You rolled over on your back and pulled your futon up, so it almost covered your face." You felt your eyes closing and your consciousness fading.
I wonder what random guy's doing!
Then you were out cold.

Random guy ( dabi x reader )Where stories live. Discover now